Hitting Children Precisely Make More recent behavior

Hitting children is a way to punish is not advisable for every parent. The study found beating children can reduce emotional intelligence and make their behavior worse.

The researchers found spanking punishment can reduce emotional intelligence and the ability of executive function (the ability to think and modify their behavior when necessary) compared with children who received non-physical punishment.

Continuous physical punishment can make children less disciplined for his executive ability decreases. Although in the short term these children can behave discipline to avoid being hit, but in the long run the child's behavior will only worsen.

Researchers from universities in the United States and Canada have warned parents not to give corporal punishment to their children, because the benefits only in the short term only.

This study was watching 63 children from two private schools in West Africa aged 5-6 years. One of the schools to use corporal punishment for students who commit violations, while other schools use non-physical punishments such as warnings and out of the classroom.

The study results are reported in the journal Social Development showed the children who do not get physical punishment significantly value tasks that are higher than children with physical punishment.

"The environment with harsh punishment is likely to have adverse long-term effects of verbal wit child and executive function abilities," said study author Professor Victoria Talwar of McGill University in Montreal, Canada, as quoted by the Telegraph.

Prof Victoria said this study demonstrates that corporal punishment does not teach children how he behaves or improve learning, but it had a negative impact.

"In the short term may not have a negative effect, but if done from time to time these conditions will not help children in problem solving skills and may constrain his behavior is not appropriate," he said.

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