Sleeping late at night can not only make you less sleep and lowered stamina, but also can trigger and aggravate acne. Why?
Sleep late at night dealing with acne in an indirect way. There is no clear evidence showing that lack of sleep is directly related to the formation of acne. However, studies reveal that indirectly, lack of sleep causes acne and aggravate existing acne.
As often sleep late, you mean to cut the amount of sleep needed for the rejuvenation of the body. Reported by LIVESTRONG and Buzzle, lack of sleep can cause stress, increased inflammation, increased insulin resistance and depression.
Stress is an important factor that cause acne. Increased stress can stimulate the adrenal glands are responsible for producing androgen. Expenditure of this hormone in the body to trigger the
formation of acne. Stress also affects the immune system, so that it can slow the healing of existing acne.
Lack of sleep can induce systemic inflammation. Reports the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, inadequate sleep causes an increase in inflammatory cytokines. Increased substances in the body increases the tendency to produce inflammation. As it is known, that acne is an inflammation of the pores in the skin, it is clear that this inflammation is triggered because of the increased amount of cytokines in the body.
In addition, lack of sleep causes increased insulin resistance. Thus forcing the body to produce more insulin. It also leads to the production of sebum (oil) increases and the inflammation that causes the potential for the formation of acne.
Sleep late at night also cause mental and emotional framework changes that can lead to depression. Depression created a negative attitude in the minds of those who hinder the overall well-being. Overall poor health reduces the healing ability of the body. Thus, acne affects in a negative way.
Although sleep late does not contribute to the formation of acne directly, but the factors that caused responsible for the formation of acne. So with enough rest.
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