Aggressive behavior is not only related to the habit of drinking alcoholic beverages. In adolescents, a can of soda every day can change the behavior becomes more ill-tempered and prone involved in various acts of violence.
A study in the journal Injury Prevention prove aggressive behavior in adolescence is associated closely with the habit of drinking soda. Not yet confirmed a causal relationship, but these findings strengthen the notion that nutrition can affect behavior.
The study was conducted on 1,878 adolescents aged 14-18 years from 22 public schools in the Boston area, United States. The researchers observed the behavior of respondents associated with violence, and then compare it with the habit of drinking soft drinks.
style="text-align: justify;">From the analysis, it was found two groups of respondents by the habit of drinking soft drinks the high group and low group. High group drank fizzy drinks five cans or more per week, while the low group drank four cans or less per week.
In the low group, researchers found only aggressive behavior and tendency to violence at 23 percent of respondents. This trend is manifested either by experience carrying a weapon, either a knife or a gun in recent weeks.
While in the high group, propensity for violence is much higher at 43 percent. This means, simply by drinking soda 1 can each day the teenager's behavior tends to become more aggressive and prone to violence.
"The causes of violence in adolescents is complex but simple interpretation of this study indicate that soft drinks come into play," said Prof Peter Kinderman, a clinical psychologist from the University of Liverpool who was not involved in the study, as quoted by the Dailymail,
The results of this study are also consistent with several previous studies, saying that poor nutrition increases the tendency to antisocial behavior in adolescents. The violence is a form of antisocial behavior, whereas soft drinks including poor nutrition source.
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