networking site Facebook has become a 'hanging' of today's teenagers. Facebook has become a popularity contest how many of the teens had friends and how often he tagged the picture. Teens who fail to 'hanging' on Facebook tend to be becoming depressed.
Facebook Depression can affect teenagers obsessed with online sites. Teens who fail to 'hanging' on Facebook will be teenagers inferiority. Such conditions according to psychologists and pediatricians should be wary parents so that the teenager was not depressed because of Facebook.
"There are unique aspects of Facebook to create a social landscape that is very difficult to follow by children low self-esteem," said Dr. Gwenn O'Keeffe, a pediatrician in Boston and author of the American Academy of Pediatrics as reported by MSNBC ,
By counting the number of friends, status updates and photos with friends, Facebook can make some children feel bad if you can not do the same thing. It is said to be more painful than sitting alone in a crowded school cafeteria.
According O'Keaffe, Facebook provides a different view of what is actually happening. Because the online form, there is no way to see facial expressions or read body language a real context.
Therefore, it is important for parents to talk with their children about online usage and
realize the threat of Facebook depression, cyberbullying and other online risks. These findings were published online in the journal Pediatrics.
A junior high school students in Chicago named Abby Abolt, 16 years old, admitted Facebook has never made him feel depressed but she could understand how Facebook can make depressed several other children.
"If you really do not have many friends and did not really do a lot of things with your life, then look at the status of others, pictures and what they were doing with friends, I could see how they could be angry," he said.
"It's like a big popularity contest, who can get the most friend requests or get a photo of the most widely-tag," said Abby.
Gaby Navarro, 18 years old, senior students from Grayslake, Illinois also believes the same, how Facebook can make teenagers depressed. Especially on Facebook according to frequent harassment online.
"Many teens send dirty messages or judge people they do not like Facebook wall," said Gaby.
Online harassment by O'Keeffe can cause profound psychosocial effects, including suicide. "Facebook is a place where all the teenagers hanging out now. It's like a corner of their stores," said O'Keeffe.
Despite the side effects, O'Keeffe recognize Facebook provide benefits for teens who connect again with friends and family, sharing pictures and exchanging ideas.
While Dr. Megan Moreno of the University of Wisconsin who studies online social networking among college students, said using Facebook can enhance feelings of social connectedness among adolescents, but also have the opposite effect on people who are vulnerable to depression.
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