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Virus is a microscopic parasite that infects cells in biological organisms. The word virus comes from the Latin is virions which means "poison". The virus has infected since the time before Christ, it is evident by the several discoveries which reports on virus infections in hieroglyphics in Memphis, the capital of ancient Egypt (1400 BC), which indicate the presence of disease poliomyelitis, besides, Pharaoh Ramses V died in the year 1196 BC and believed to have died because of a virus. In this world many types of existing viruses such as influenza virus, HIV, Ebola, papillomas, Poliloma and now are being intensively that Zika virus. Of the many types of viruses, some dangerous and some are not dangerous.
Here we present 10 Most Deadly Virus In The World which claimed many victims of human outbreaks.
1. HIV
HIV is a virus that can cause AIDS. These viruses infect humans and invade the immune system (immunity) of the body, so the body becomes weak in fighting infection. Without treatment, a person with HIV can live for 9-11 years after infection, depending on the type. In other words, the presence of this virus in the body will cause a deficiency (lack) of the immune system. The distribution of the HIV virus can be through channeling Cement (reproduction), blood, vaginal fluid, and breast milk. HIV works by killing cells essentials needed by humans, one of which is the helper T cells, macrophages, dendritic cells.
2. Ebola
Ebola virus disease (EVD) or Ebola hemorrhagic fever (EHF) is a human disease caused by the Ebola virus. Symptoms usually begin two days to three weeks after contracting the virus, in the presence of fever, sore throat, muscle aches, and headache. Usually followed by nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea, as well as liver and kidney function decline. At that time, some people began experiencing bleeding problems. The Ebola virus was first discovered in South Africa in a patient. The study reveals that the virus originated from the affected fruit bat saliva. Ebola virus can also be transmitted rapidly through contact such as touching visik, sweat, saliva, and other bodily fluids. Till now there are vaccines that can destroy this virus. Therefore the dreaded Ebola virus in the World International.
3. Dengue
Dengue virus is a virus that causes dengue fever in humans. Mosquitoes or some types of mosquitoes spread dengue virus through their bites. Dengue fever is also known as breakbone fever or Bonebreak fever (fever joints), because it can cause fever sufferers experience severe pain as if their bones were broken. Some symptoms of dengue fever are fever; headache; skin redness that looks like measles; and aching muscles and joints. There is no vaccine that can prevent a person exposed to the dengue virus. There are a few precautions dengue fever. People can protect themselves from mosquitoes and minimize the number of mosquito bites. Scientists also advocated to reduce mosquito habitat and reduce the number of mosquitoes there. If a person is exposed to dengue fever, usually he can recover simply by drinking enough fluids, as long as the disease is mild or severe. Experts also currently developing drugs to tackle the virus directly.
4. hantavirus
Hantavirus is a genus of familia Bunyaviridae virus that causes hantavirus pulmonary syndrome (Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome). The virus is spherical with a diameter of 100 nm. On the outside of the structure, there is a virus envelope and inside coated with a membrane bilayer. Its genome consists of 6550 nucleotides that encode the viral transcriptase enzyme, nucleocapsid and the viral glycoproteins. The virus is easily inactivated by heat, detergents, organic solvents, and the solution hipklorit. The virus is found in many animals rodents such as rats, mice, Lemmus lemmus (lemming). Most of these viruses are transmitted through inhalation of infected rodent feces hantavirus. Humans as a host can be infected with this virus when making contact with rodents and their droppings.
5. Coronavirus
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Coronavirus is one of a group of RNA viruses. So named because they look like a corona or halo when viewed under an electron microscope. Corona or halo is caused by a series of projections of the outer surface of the virus. This virus was first isolated in 1965, from nasal secretions of a child who reveal symptoms of colds (common cold), usually caused by infection with Rhinovirus or Influenza virus. And, in fact, it is difficult to distinguish between symptoms of infection Rhinovirus, Influenza virus and Coronavirus. The virus is also a source of respiratory diseases such as Sars and Mers.
6. Rotavirus
Rotavirus is a contagious disease that causes rotavirus gastroenteritis. This disease can strike suddenly and quite dangerous, especially in infants. Actually, this disease affects almost every child before their 5th birthday. But more common in smaller infants between 6 months to 2 years. Symptoms of the body if infected with this virus are fever, vomiting, abdominal pain and watery diarrhea is prolonged. In severe cases, a child can experience diarrhea up to 20 times a day. This situation can last between 3-9 days. However, currently available vaccine to prevent the virus, the vaccine is usually given at the time of immunization when a baby aged 3, 4, and 6 months.
7. Marburg
The Marburg virus is a virus that was first discovered in Germany in the city of Marburg. Initially this virus originated from green monkeys are being studied by scientists in a laboratory for the development of polio vaccines. Symptoms when infected with this virus are high fever and bleeding throughout the body which can lead to shock, organ failure and death. In addition to be found in the German city of Marburg, the virus also infects the city Johannesburg (1975) at 3, Uganda (1980) and the Congo (1999) at 76. Under the microscope, electron marburg virus seen as a short thread, sometimes curved at one end to form a 6 or 9.
8. Virus Zika
Zika virus (ZIKV) is a member of the virus family Flaviviridae and gebus flavivirus transmitted by Aedes mosquitoes. Zika name comes from a forest in Uganda, where the virus was first discovered in 1947.
In humans this virus causes mild disease known as Zika fever. In 2014, the virus is spreading eastward across the Pacific Ocean to French Polynesia, then to Easter Island and in 2015 spread to Mexico, Central America, the Caribbean and South America where outbreaks zika has reached pandemic levels.
Zika virus is closely related to dengeu, Yellow Fever, endefalitis Japan and the West Nile virus. The disease is similar to Dengue and until now there is no drug or vaccine to prevent it.
9. Smallpox Virus
Smallpox, or variola virus is a kind of infectious disease that is caused by either of two virus variants, namely variola major and variola minor.Penyakit is also known by the Latin names Variola or Variola vera that taste of varius. This disease was originally known in English as "Smallpox" in the 15th century.
Smallpox infection focused on the small blood vessels in the skin and in the mouth and throat before spreading. In the skin can produce a characteristic maculopapular rash which later became the old fluid that can cause more serious and deadly disease.
Disease Smallpox is believed to have emerged in human populations about 10,000 BC. This is evidenced by the pustular rash on the mummified body of Pharaoh Ramses V, Egypt. The disease is estimated to have killed 400,000 Europeans every year for many years until the 18th century.
After vaccination campaigns throughout the 19th century and 20, WHO declared the global eradication of smallpox in 1979.
10. Lassa Virus
The first person infected with Lassa virus is a nurse in Nigeria. The virus is transmitted by rodents and endemic nature - virus occurred in one particular area and may reoccur in the same place, and in this case, West Africa. The scientists found 15% of rodents in West Africa carry the virus.
Ribavirin is the best medicine for patients with Lassa fever. If Ribavirin given in the first 6 days, the patient has the possibility of living 10 times larger. In addition, oxygen therapy and also used opium to support treatment with Ribavirin.
Lassa virus until today can not be addressed with vaccines. Prevention is still done with rat eradication Mastomys Multimammate of the type that spread the virus
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