As reported by The Huffington Post, Sunday (14/06/2015), according to the University of Keele in England, Wagg was initially involved in the internship program conducted approximately two years ago. Adolescents 15 years it discovered a planet within 1000 light years from Earth through a software called WASP (Wide Angle Search for Planets).
Wagg find the planet by looking at data collected by WASP. WASP itself is a software that is capable of monitoring millions of stars in the sky to look for a trail caused by the movement of the planets which move in front of the main star.
"It's really exciting, I was amazed. The discovery is a very proud thing to be told to others, "said Wagg.
Planet Wagg, who has not given a name until today, given the catalog number WASP-142b, and is located in the galaxy within 1000 light years from Earth. In the class of exoplanets, the planet known as Hot Jupiters because of the very large planet that orbits very close to the main star.
With the success finding a new planet, Wagg became one of the youngest person ever to discover a new planet. After graduating high school, Wagg also plans to major in physics in college.
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