Coffee than beneficial to eliminate sleepiness, it turns out coffee also has many benefits for beauty, probably not many people know if coffee can also be used as a face mask. Of course this has to be encouraging news for juag coffee prices are relatively cheap to use as a skin treatment.
Coffee contains excellent for the skin. Among them is the antioxidant content of flavonoid, as well as polyphenols. The substance proved to be very powerful to counteract free radicals that can lead to various skin problems such as acne, dull skin, oily skin, dry skin, and so forth. But the coffee you use is not the usual coffee sasetan buy at the store. The coffee you are using is pure coffee powder so as to provide maximum results.
Speaking of coffee mask, then anything what benefits we will get from the coffee mask. Well here we will explain some of the benefits of coffee mask. Here are the benefits of coffee mask.
Benefits Million Masks Coffee And How To Make
Benefits Million Masks Coffee And How To Make
1. Counteract free radicals
As has been described above that coffee mengandun antiksidan such as flavonoids and polyphenols that is effective to prevent free radicals. The skin is frequently exposed to free radicals will cause premature aging and makes the skin becomes wrinkled. For the coffee mask is very important to counteract free radicals.
2. Brighten dull skin
Let the dark coffee, but coffee can make your skin bright and beautiful. The content of antioxidants found in coffee is able to lift dead skin and disguise Selm black spots so that the skin becomes bright, and smooth.
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3. Controlling excess oil
justify;">For those of you who have a problem of excess oil on the skin, you can overcome it with a mask of coffee. Coffee mask is able to control the excess oil on the skin. As we know the excess oil into a cause of acne, the skin becomes dull and dry.
4. Decrease the pores
Coffee Maker is also a powerful way to shrink large pores. Large pores will make the skin become rough and unsightly, besides the large pores will also make dirt easily go up eventually arise pimples or blackheads.
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5. Refreshing facial skin
Coffee powder which has been made into a cream can we save into flizeer to be frozen. Then you rub on your skin to refresh your skin. The aroma of the coffee will also make the mind relaxed and calm.
6. Eliminate Cellulite
Cellulite on the skin must be very annoying at all. This is because can interfere with performance. Now you can use coffee grounds to tackle cellulite. Mix coffee grounds with olive oil and then you apply on the skin. For best results, you makasimal with plastic wrap and leave to 10 minutes you just rinse with water until clean.
7. Eliminate scars, acne scars and black spots
Coffee mask can brighten the skin and disguise the black spots including acne, black spots and scars. Apply a mask of coffee on the skin while you massage rotate until it dries.
8. Tighten the skin
As described in the above points if the coffee mask is able to fight premature aging. This is because the coffee mask can maintain firmness and elasticity of the skin, so the skin will always be firmer and younger.
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9. Minimize the risk of skin cancer
Using masks coffee regularly can also be pengangkal skin cancer. Skin cancer is caused by two factors: the factors of the foods that we consume and external factors, namely exposure to sunlight, the use of beauty products that do not fit and so forth. Well mask coffee can minimize the risk of skin cancer.
How to make a mask of coffee
How to make a mask of coffee is very easy, you just mix the pure coffee powder with a little water to form a paste. However, you can also mix it with other natural materials for the problems you are experiencing, such as mixing with milk to get the skin white and smooth. Mix it with honey to moisturize the skin. Mixing with lemon to treat acne and remove dead skin cells or with other blend of natural ingredients.
Such information about the benefits and how to make a mask of coffee. Coffee is not just a beverage bermnafaat sleepy repellent, but also has many benefits for beauty. May the above information helpful. Thanks.
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