There is poison in toothpaste, Bans Use of Triclosan

There is poison in toothpaste, Bans Use of Triclosan

Triclosan is the germ-killing chemicals that are always present in the composition of toothpaste and school supplies children may soon be banned in Canada.

Different ways to limit its use, including the prohibition to add in personal care products sold in Canada were carried out.

In the United States, although the study of chemical antimicrobial has prompted the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) to recognize the negative effects of triclosan on human health, but this material is still allowed into the material of soap, cosmetics, deodorant, toothpaste and other personal care products more. This does not include products such as school supplies, underwear, slippers and kitchen appliances.

Unlike the United States, Canada has taken a strong initiative to identify the 200 hazardous chemicals as well as test its effects on human health and the environment for 5 years. Its initial success is banning the use of bisphenol A - a chemical that can disrupt hormon-- in baby bottles.

Recent research on the effects of triclosan on health found that this material change process acts as a hormone and thyroid toxins. Some other data also found that this material can lead to increased resistance to antibiotics. Even more recent research linking triclosan with allergies.

Products containing triclosan are usually advertised with the slogan 'germ-free', 'against germs', 'odor free', 'combat odors' or antimicrobial, despite the fact that plain soap and water have the same effectiveness with antibacterial soap.

Perform these simple steps to protect themselves from triclosan, as reported from Rodale:
1. Instead of using antibacterial soaps, select soaps that do not contain toxins. Besides not good for health, antibacterial soap also impair water quality.

2. Stay away from products that are advertised with frills antimicrobial or antiseptic or make claims about odor free Even products that have been given Microban could also contain triclosan.

3. Avoid similar compounds such as triclosan soap containing triclocarban. If in need of antibiotics and do not have access to water and ordinary soap, look for hand sanitizer containing 70 percent alcohol. Avoid artificial fragrances in the hand sanitizer as well.

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