When the evil Sugar Consumed Overrated

Fat is often despised for being able to raise the weight. While sugar is still widely consumed exceed the dose should be. Indeed, not many know that eating excessive sugar can damage the brain by stress is too extreme.
Once the evidence that emerged, the Ministry of Health in England and the United States began to encourage people there to reduce sugar consumption. Multiply that eating fruits and natural honey, the body has got real sugar intake.
research about the dangers of sugar by a team from the University of New South Wales in Australia, Jayanthi Maniam and Margaret Morris.
The World Health Organization (WHO) has long recommended everyone to eat sugar is not more than 10 percent of the daily energy needs. Because, naturally sugar can be found in a glass of fruit juice (not juice packaging) and honey. It's the equivalent of 50 grams or 12 teaspoons a day.
Jayanthi and Margaret using white rats as guinea pigs. No rats given low-fat food and water, there is also given milk, water, and 25 percent sugar solution. Both groups of mice were indeed attacked weaning stress in early life. But the difference is clearly visible from time to time.
Mice were given milk, water and sugar solution was not able to control the stress well. After 15 weeks, the rats brains examined.
Stress in early life can affect mental health and brain function, especially the part of the brain called the hippocampus (memory controller and stress). Mice that do not control stress by either developing a number of diseases related to nerves.

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