Sydney - At retirement, your life may be quieter. No longer deadline and various tasks at their desks. But there was a sad sometimes when entering retirement. Though there is the plus side, you know, retirement can be a momentum for more healthy.
When you are still working, leaving early in the morning and return late at long makes you do not have enough leisure time. Moreover, if in the office to spend more time sitting, as a result many years of your life with a sedentary lifestyle. Though the lack of movement could invite various diseases know.
New research calls, someone who retires has a tendency to be more physically active because it reduces the time of his seat. Generally, the pensioner is also less smoke than when I was working, also have more healthy sleep patterns.
style="text-align: justify;">"Retirement can create an opportunity to change their lifestyle to be more positive. The opportunity to get rid of bad routines and behave more healthy," said lead researcher Melody Ding, who is also a senior researcher at the University of Sydney, Australia, was quoted by the Times of India,
Researchers monitored the lifestyle of 25,000 Australians aged. Physical activity, diet, activities, use of alcohol and sleeping patterns.
From the study, the amount of physical activity a person who retired increased by 93 minutes a week. Lifestyle sedentarinya decreased 67 minutes per day and sleep time increased by 11 minutes per day. Other findings, 50 percent of women smokers quit ngebul activity after retirement.
"When a person is working and traveling, takes quite a lot. So when they retire, have more time to be physically active and sleep longer," said Ding.
With this research is expected that people who are elderly will better maintain their health so that it can prevent the risk of heart disease and diabetes. Also expected is also the policy makers can develop a special program for retirees that their health is maintained.
The study has been published in the Journal of Preventive Medicine.
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