London - During pregnancy there are many restrictions this and that, including not to practice yoga because it can harm the fetus. Experts believe there are some yoga poses, such as the inverted attitude, which can reduce blood circulation of the fetus and the baby's heart rate increases.
Therefore, pregnant women are prohibited from doing the pose 'happy baby pose' and 'downward facing dog'.
But recent studies show that yoga poses is apparently safe for women in the late stages of their pregnancy. So, yoga is safe for any stage of pregnancy. Through the practice of yoga during pregnancy can
maintain the flexibility of the body and muscles, as well as train the breathing techniques as cited page of the Daily Mail,
This is achieved through a study of 25 healthy pregnant women in the last weeks of pregnancy. They tried 26 yoga poses common except that made them lie down with the stomach and hand mnghindari stand and head stand. Various poses was modified so as convenient as using blocks, chairs, or walls to avoid injury. It turned out that the fetal heart rate remains the same while trying all pose as written in the Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology.
Moreover, none of the women has decreased fetal movement, fluid leakage, bleeding in the vagina, or contractions 24 hours after a yoga session.
"Although this is a preliminary study, I found that no changes are detrimental to the welfare of the mother or fetus after 26 yoga poses," said study leader from Jersey Shore University Medical Center, USA, doctor Rachel Polis.
"The poses are thought to have contraindications, such as downward facing dog, child's pose, happy baby and corpse pose, well tolerated," said Polis again. **
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