Easy ways So Slim: Eat Slower

Already trying to try various diets but still hard to lose weight? Then there is no harm in trying this new method. It's very easy, is to eat slowly.

A recent study found that people who are overweight eat faster than slimmer people, and men faster than women chew. Researchers from also saw that refined grains eaten faster than healthy grains.

In the annual meeting of the Obesity Society in Orlando, Florida, researchers presented findings that people who ate quickly consumed about 3.1 ounces of food per minute, with people who eat medium-eating 2.5 ounces per minute, and slow eaters consumed 2 ounces of food per minute ,

Men ate about 80 calories per minute, while women are about 52 calories per minute. Interestingly, men who call themselves slow eaters ate at the same rate as women who claimed to be a fast eater.

"The gender difference is certainly influential. Maybe he has a mouth larger, but also may be related to the needs of higher energy. Another possibility may be associated with social norms, women may feel compelled to eat more slowly," said study author, Kathleen Melanson, director of the Energy Balance Laboratory at the University of Rhode Island.

A second study found a strong association between speed eating and body mass index (BMI). People with high BMI typically eat much faster compared to a lower BMI. BMI is a calculation based on height and weight. The researchers also observed that participants who ate foods from cereal grains such as wheat and wheat bread to eat more slowly than those eating the same foods made from refined grains.

"Whole grains require more time for chewing and digestion begins in the mouth. So if eating something that has been processed, does not take much time to digest. Seeds require more time to be broken," said Lona Sandon, an assistant professor of nutrition health at the University of Texas Southwestern in Dallas.

But can fast eaters train himself to slow his eating?

"I think changing the pace of the meal will not be easy because it is innate characteristics, but worth a try. Give extra food in the mouth. Let the food reaches the stomach before taking the next bite," said Melanson as reported HealthDay.com,

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