Feeling oral health is fine, clean awake as you brush your teeth twice a day on a regular basis, but suddenly cavities? Do not panic. Conditions such as these can indeed happen. Try to look at first how to clean teeth that had been done.
Practitioners dental and oral biologists say that brushing alone is no longer sufficient to maintain hygiene and oral health. Brushing teeth was only able to clean 25% of the oral cavity.
"It used to be the 1980s or 1990s we only him toothbrush alone is sufficient to maintain health and oral hygiene. But along with the development of knowledge was also found that the cleanliness of the interdental also quite important to note," she said.
Interdental hygiene is drg. Angky is cleanliness in between the teeth. He explained the remnants of food left between teeth will break down into acid. Especially when interacting with biofilm or mucus membrane on the surface of the tooth is a place to live bacteria in the mouth. Acidic substances can make tooth enamel over time become soft and easily perforated.
"The enamel was indeed in the form of hard minerals but can be softened or demineralized by acid from the decomposition of the remains of food in the mouth. Calcium and phosphate are shaping demineralized. Well, the hole in the email may be small, but when viewed in the inside layer is the dentin more software, the hole could be bigger, "
To reduce the risk of cavities, there is a simple way that is practical to do. Toothbrush course still must be done. Toothbrush should be done for approximately 1-2 minutes on a regular basis ie in the mornings and evenings. In addition to maintaining the cleanliness of the interdental recommended also for flossing or using interdental toothbrush and rinse.
Flossing, or using interdental toothbrushes can be done every after brushing your teeth to remove food residue on the teeth. Nowadays dental floss and interdental toothbrushes are easily found in pharmacies or supermarkets. After cleaning the teeth, proceed to rinse.
In many developed countries gargle already become routine dental hygiene are prevalent but in Indonesia yet. Though rinse is one way to reduce the amount of bad bacteria in the oral cavity. Make no mistake, cariogenic bacteria (that cause cavities) not only on the surface of teeth, but in all parts of the oral cavity.
"Rinsing well done because it can reduce germs in the mouth. For frequency every person has needs are different. There needs to be two times a day, there is less of it. Can consult your dentist to find out what is appropriate for the condition of our mouth.
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