Cup of Tea A Day Lower Risk of Stroke and Heart

A study in America again proved the benefits. According to a team of researchers from Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, USA, drink a cup of tea a day can reduce the risk of stroke and heart.

As reported Dailymail, scientists found that people who regularly drink a cup of tea had a 35 percent lower risk of death from heart attack and stroke.

"We found that tea drinkers had decreased coronary artery calcium and decrease the incidence of adverse cardiovascular health," said study presented at the American Heart Association in Arizona.

Which is Better for Health, Drinking Coffee or Tea?
Studies involving 6,200 people is well documented, how the antioxidants in tea, flavonoids, can protect the vital organs of the body and prevent cell damage as well as lose weight.

Research on the benefits of tea has also made scientists Taiwan. They found that drinking a cup of tea per day for a year or more tend to reduce the risk of arterial stiffness.

A study published the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition in 2013 concluded that tea consumption may lower the risk of stroke. This is based on analysis of 24 studies involving 856,000 people. Research published last year in the European Journal of Epidemiology also found that tea consumption associated with a decreased risk of coronary heart disease, heart attack, stroke, cerebral infarction and intracerebral hemorrhage, and the disease accounts for more deaths.

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