Tricks Addressing Children Insomnia

                                                                                                                                                                                                    Little is often difficult to sleep at night? Should not be underestimated. Due to lack of sleep can make children cranky, attention disorders, have behavioral problems until affected his health.

Here are some tricks to overcome a difficult child to sleep:                                                                                                                                        
1. Physical Activity at Night- After school, children are often directly sitting in front of computer or television. Do not let this become a habit. Instead, encourage children to do physical activities during the day. Because studies show physical activity during the day can help children sleep better at night.                                                                                                         
2. Keep Gadget of Beds- Some children have been given a gadget by her parents. Though this tool can contribute trouble sleeping at night. Yes, quite possibly blue light from a laptop, tablet, or smartphone disrupt sleep patterns of children.

Therefore keep the gadget of the child's bed. If the child needs to use a laptop, you should put the laptop away from the bed, so that children are not used to prolonged staring at the laptop on top of the tidur.                                                                                          
3. Keep Children from Violent Content- Child abuse content can be obtained from anywhere, such as video, television, video games, and movies. Though content like this can disrupt the quality of sleep of children. Exposure to media violence can increase anxiety in children, so that they can be a nightmare. If it were so, of course sleeping children .                                                                                                                                                
 4. Do not Put a TV in the room- Television in the room actually makes children restless sleep because they are busy seeing television shows. Therefore, do not ever put a television in the room if you do not want the quality of sleep of children .                                                                                   

5. Minimize Time Staring at Screens Before Bed- Good habits can start early. No exception habits get quality sleep. One way is to minimize staring at the screen before bed.Okay, children still have time to watch television in the afternoon. But after taking a shower in the afternoon, the child should be accustomed to doing a quiet activity such as reading a book. This activity will allow children to make the transition to sleep easy                                                                                                                                                       
6. Give Example- Parents are the best example for children. Whatever rules you create for your family, if you do not come through it so vain. Children will question the rules that you create. Instead of obeying, the child did not consider that the rules exist because of the example of parents who do the opposite of the rule that was made.

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