Melbourne - We've heard people say, "A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries the bones." Maybe this is true for people with cancer are under stress.
Stress can lead to the formation of "trajectory" in cancer patients that allows cancer cells to spread, according to a study of lab rats.
Excerpted from The Independent on Saturday researchers found that stress in mice led to the appearance of the track on the lymphatic system-which is a transportation networks that carry fluids throughout the body, causing cancer spreads from one part of the body to other body parts.
Scientists believe that these findings have implications for patients that can worsen the situation if exposed to high levels of stress or in those who actually benefit from ways to release stress.
"We found that chronic stress signal to nervous-system response known as the 'face-or-lari'-and a strong impact to the functioning of the lymph and the spread of cancer cells," says Caroline Le from the Monash Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences at Monash University in city of Melbourne, Australia.
"These findings suggest an important role in controlling the function of the lymph stress to affect the health, and suggests that blockage caused by stress to prevent the spread of cancer through the lymphatic route can be a way to improve treatment outcomes of cancer patients," said Caroline.
The study, published in the journal Nature Communications that uses a special microscope to follow the movement of the cells marked with fluorescent markers to indicate how the tumor cells were wandering in the lymphatic system.
They found that stress increases the number and size of lymph channels that carry cancer cells. Scientists have started clinical trials on patients to see whether stress has an influence on human cancer patients.
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