A glass of juice Claimed Can Lower tension and Prevent Stroke

Orange juice or grapefruit juice is often a companion selection of refreshing and healthy breakfast. But behind it, the orange juice can also lower the risk of stroke.

Nutritionists Michael Greger MD revealed oranges contain any of the phytonutrients called hesperidin, which it can add blood flow to parts of the body, including the brain.

This was revealed after Greger observations of the number of participants who are connected to a machine called 'Doppler fluximeter'. This tool can measure blood flow through the skin using a laser beam.

When researchers fitted with this engine and given fluid hesperidin, which is extracted from two glasses of orange juice, visible blood flow more smoothly and also lowers blood pressure. But the benefits will be even better when the participants were asked to drink orange juice truth.

In another study also revealed the benefits of citrus fruits to blood flow, although the
observations do not use the machine. A group of women who have a high sensitivity to the cold air due to low blood flow was asked to sit in an air-conditioned room.

Participants in one group were then given a solution containing hesperidin, while the other participants were asked to drink a placebo in the form of artificial orange flavored beverage.

It turned out that participants who drank the placebo increasingly feeling cold. In fact, because of their diminishing blood flow, the temperature at their fingertips dropped to 13 degrees Fahrenheit during the course of the study.

In contrast, the temperature at the fingertips of participants who drank the orange juice is not as low as the participants in the other groups because of their blood flow remains stable. Interestingly, when the two groups were asked to hand put in cold water, those who drank orange juice was able to recover 50 percent faster than the other group.

"Why do we need antioxidants? Because free radicals accumulate in cells all the time. But this process can be slowed by eating foods rich in antioxidants, including protecting against stroke that generally occurs due to a buildup of fat in the blood vessels," said Greger was quoted as saying by the Daily Mail ,

Hesperidin also found in lemon, lime, blueberries and grapes. The fruits also contain a sour phytochemicals that play an important role in reducing the risk of various chronic diseases associated with aging.

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