Although bad, but in fact at one point in every woman's breasts will be sagging. Having a child, breastfeeding, and aging contribute to reduced elasticity of collagen, which makes your breasts deflated.
Sagging breasts can also be influenced by genetic factors. If your mom has a sagging breasts, you usually will experience the same thing.
However, you should know are some habits that seem to have nothing to do with loosening it can affect your breast. So, if you can avoid this habit, the firmness of your breasts will last longer.
In response, a recent study from UCLA, California, USA, found that breast tissue aging two or three times faster than other body parts. Therefore, you may want to stop following habits that can loosen your breast.
As reported by Women's Health, here are five breast relaxants habits:
1. Diet harsh
The weight up and down between three to five kilos probably will not affect
your breast. But, yo-yo diets that make you lose weight more than 15 kg can be very influential.
Every time your weight down or up, the breast tissue becomes more loose, like a pair of rubber pants, explains Michael Edwards, M.D., a breast surgeon and president of the American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery.
2. Smoking
Your breasts can not get away from the dangers of smoking. "Cigarettes in any amount can be debilitating and make older skin because of decreased blood supply to the skin surface," explained Edwards.
3. Not wearing sunscreen
Exposing your skin directly under UV without sunscreen can cause premature wrinkles. UV rays can also make your breasts sagging due to reduced collagen and skin damage, added Edwards again.
4. Wearing a bra that does not sustain
Both the bra that you use everyday or sports bra you wear when you exercise, do not give the right strut can make your breasts sagging.
"The more your breasts shook, the more stress your breast skin and collagen," says Edwards. So make sure you try on a bra appropriately when going to buy it.
5. The high-impact sports
Some experts believe that the up and down movement is repeated, such as when you run, can damage the collagen in the breast.
However, before you decide to stop exercising, make sure you can find another sport that is more suitable for you. And do not forget also, exercise can keep you young by other means.
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