Before moving to juice or water infused which is currently becoming a trend, you should probably know that a daily drink is also good for health.
Although not the only one who helped Fator diet, but the water intake is also important to get a flat stomach. Here are a few drinks without you consciously encourage weight loss. Check out the full review, as quoted Prevention,
1. Coffee
Research has shown that drinking 2 to 3 cups of coffee before the move can increase the concentration. One study in the Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness even find black coffee could
encourage stronger leg during training at the gym. But remember, only black coffee without sugar and cream. Sugar and cream can destroy a diet because sugar and high calories.
2. Water Ice
Recipes to keep fit every day do not have to enter the fruit in water. Nutritionists Mitzi Dulan, RD said, to help the diet is recommended to drink water that has been given a few drops of lemon or lime. To be more helpful, drinking ice water to burning calories faster.
3. Green tea
Benefits of green tea have long studied. Not only helps burn fat and weight loss but also effectively shrink the waist. Who is the woman who does not want to have the ideal body like that?
In the Journal of the American College of Nutrition, researchers asked volunteers to drink four cups of green tea every day for two months. The result, as expected. Participants lost about two kilograms of body weight than those who drink only water. Scientists speculate green tea contains catechins, which are antioxidants and caffeine that improve health. However, tea is meant to be made fresh and not packaged tea products containing sugar.
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