Be careful! Has 7 Type Phobia It can ruin your life

                                                                                                                                                                                                     Most people already know what it is phobia. Phobia is excessive fear of something. Sometimes the fear was also unreasonable for others.

In general, specific phobias are harmless. But some other type of phobia is hazardous and can even be deadly! Here are some of them.

1. Iatrophobia

Iatrophobia is exaggerated fear of doctors. For some people, going to the doctor can cause excessive fears, panic attacks, and even nausea. Sometimes fear can be so severe the patient iatrophobia to the extent that they do not want to see a doctor despite being desperately needed medical help.

In 2009, John Dart fear of doctors increased until eventually he chose to commit suicide rather than go to the doctor. Though he actually only need to check the stains are not harmful in the nose, which he thought was a cancer cell.
2. Heliophobia

Heliophobia is excessive fear of sunlight. Those who suffer heliophobia often feel the sensation of pain that does not really happen and feel anxious when exposed to direct sunlight. Wary of sun exposure can indeed reduce the risk of skin cancer.

Patients heliophobes can completely avoid the sun, making them deficient in vitamin D. As a result, the body's ability to regulate calcium and keep bones healthy so wane. This ultimately may increase the risk of rickets, cancer, or other diseases that can even be deadly.
3. somniphobia

Somniphobia or severe insomnia can occur because of fear of losing control, or because of repeated nightmares. Some people also say that the fear of dying in sleep could be the reason why they are afraid to sleep. Ironically, this phobia alone could get them killed.

People suffering from somniphobes could not sleep at all in 24 hours. This can damage their health. Less
tidut can lead to various health problems that sometimes can be as deadly as high blood pressure, heart disease, and stroke.
4. Rhypopobhia

At least as many as 4 million people in the UK feel worried and scared when I have to use a public toilet. For some people, they are even afraid to go to the toilet her own home. Because of this phobia, someone could put off to pee as much as possible because of worry and fear felt sick when I had to defecate.

Examples of this phobia is lethal cases faced by Emily Titterington. Sense of fear is so strong that he often hold back bowel movements up to two months. As a result, his intestines continued to swell and give a very strong pressure on the organs in his body that he died of a heart attack at the age of 16 years.
5. mysophobia

Mysophobia or fear Excess bacteria often associated with OCD or Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. They are so obsessed to clean up any objects in the vicinity. In fact, the obsession can interfere with daily life and sometimes with fatal consequences.

One example is what happened with Samantha Hancox. He was so afraid of germs that he hardly ever leave the house for 18 years, spent 20 hours a day to shower, and rarely eat. Despite trying to heal the psychological condition, but it did not work and he eventually died at the age of 40 years.
6. Cibophobia

Cibophobia make sufferers are afraid to eat so deliberately avoid the food. This phobia can occur due to trauma such as choking. Cibophobia also often associated with bulimia, anorexia and other eating disorders.

In 2007, a teenager named Charlotte Robinson had a tremendous fear that he suffered from severe anorexia. Only in less than 1 year, the weight dropped drastically to only 38 kg, almost half of the previous weight. His body was then no longer able to survive and he died in 2008 at the age of 18 years.
7. Pantophobia

Phobia this one can be very difficult for the sufferer will feel frightened by what is in the vicinity. Sufferers will experience overwhelming fear, panic attacks, increased heart rate, sweating, and even difficulty speaking. In extreme cases, some people may even lose consciousness.

This phobia is often associated with fear that continuously with something evil and cruel, but it is not known what the source. It is also often associated with paranoia. Doctors also say that this is sometimes a symptom of schizophrenia. Sadly, 60 percent of patients eventually died
The fear does not sound plausible, but actually real happens to interfere with daily life of sufferers. Therefore, phobia sufferers should be helped so that they can live her life as usual.

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