Kalki in Awatara the Hindu described as riding a white horse and was described like a winged horse, has a shiny sword is used to eliminate the evil and destroy the demon Kali, then reestablish Dharma and start a new era. In Hindi, Kalki Avatar means incarnation in the future.
The arrival of the Messiah In the Text Buddhist Kalki
Kalki is a metaphor of the word 'eternity' or 'time', where the estimated origin of the name comes from the word 'Kalka' which means' filthy, putrid, or evil. Kalki meaning 'Destroyer of Evil or Chaos, Destroyer of Darkness, or the Exterminator Ignorance'. In the tradition of Kalachakra Buddhist literature, mentioned 25 holds the title Kalki ruler of Shambhala, Kulika or King Kalki. During Vaishakha, the first two weeks Shukla Paksha dedicated to 15 gods with every day to different deities. The 12th day is Vaishakha Dwadashi and dedicated to Madhava, another name for Kalki.
In that period, the brothers, will appear Maitreya in the world, fully enlightened, full of an abundance of wisdom and goodness, happy, filled with the knowledge of the world, unsurpassed as a guide to human willing to be led, a teacher of gods and humans, Buddha, the same as I am now. He, himself, is really going to know and see, because the line of sight, this universe, with the world that comes from the spirit, he Brahma and Maras, and the world of ascetics and Brahmins, princes and people, even me now, really know and see them. (Digha Nikaya, 26)
After my death, will occur first five disappearances. And what are the five disappearances that? Loss of achievement, loss methods (inability to practice wisdom, insight and four moral purity habits), the loss of learning (the loss of those who follow the Dharma), the loss of a symbol (the outward form, robes and practice of Buddhism), loss of relics (relics) .. Then when the time is perfect Buddha 5000 years, a relic, not receive the respect and honor would pass to a place where they can receive it
... this, Sariputta, called the loss of heritage. (Sutra Surangama)
Almost every religious literature gives the story of the coming of Christ, and each one is slightly different literature gives an overview of how his arrival. All appointments moral, social breakdown, and all the promise of the Messiah to come, it must be recognized that all the literature to predict events that sam own way. Among Mahdi, Christ, Krishna, Shah-Bahram, Kalki, Maitreya, Muhammad, all stories like prophecies that brought news of the arrival of a leader figure.
Kalki avatar of Vishnu
The most significant about understanding prophecy, many of which have been described or the date when the Messiah will appear. Just as prophecy given Buddha, then these instructions helps to understand how Maitreya will emerge when the teachings of Buddha 5000 years perfect.
Kalki Buddha: World Experience 5000 Year Period
Hindus expect the advent of Kalki Avatar, shortly after the start Krita and at the end of the Age of Kali. The exact date when the Kali age ends and when Krita period begins is unknown. But it is estimated that the age of Kali ends at noon in early August 1943 M. If this assumption is correct, then the Buddha (5000 years) will fall around the year 2486 AD. According to the Buddha, Dharma would disappear in 2500 years, starting in 1957 AD, and shortly after 5 elimination, Maitreya will come. This interpretation is supported in the ancient Chinese Buddhist text:
The monks and the achievement of flow (followers) will be strong in their union with the Dharma for 500 years after the Blessed Parinirvana. In 500 the second year they will be strong in meditation. In the third period, during the 500 years they will be strong in knowledge. The fourth period of 500 years, they will only be busy with gift giving. End or fifth period of 500 years, will only see the battle and rebuked the monks and followers. Dharma will become invisible (disappear). (Abhidharmakosha, 4.12c. III, p. 41).
Buddhists expect Maitreya emerged after 2500 years later, around 1957 AD There are two years of the date when it should have been initiated, the year 544 BC and 483 BC. If counting 2500 years from 544 BC, it will be obtained in 1957 AD, but if counting 2500 years from 483 BC, the emergence of Maitreya in the year 2017. In the Thoth (Essays I, Tablet 13: 1) states that the early generations of humans have started 12000 years ago (ending in 2017), after the flood of Noah. After 2017 (reaching 12 000 years), the Golden Age (Golden Age) will begin. Maitreya chose this date as the end of 12,000 years of human history, long before he knew the prophecy of appearance 2500 years after Buddha's death.
Vishnu Purana, by Wilson, Horace, 2001
Indus Script and the Rg-Veda, by Egbert Richter-Ushanas, 1997
Kalki avatar of Vishnu. Panjabi manuscript 255, iamge courtesy of Wikimedia Commons
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