For those who undergo a diet, not a few of those who choose to replace the intake of carbohydrates, such as white rice, with boiled potatoes. Potatoes are considered to have the nutrients much better with lower sugar content. However, recent research suggests that consuming potatoes instead regularly can increase the risk of diabetes.
French fries and potato chips are already known as the food was very bad for dieters. Therefore many people choose the presentation with roasted, boiled or mashed. But it turned out even though the manner of presentation was far better than
fried, the researchers say it may increase the risk of type 2 diabetes by 33 percent.
Dr. Isao Muraki, researchers from Osaka Center for Cancer and Cardiovascular Disease Prevention, said that eating seven or more servings of potatoes during the week can increase the risk of type 2 diabetes by 33 percent. Instead risk of this disease can be reduced by replacing the consumption of potatoes with whole grains such as rice, quinoa, wheat and corn.
"Potatoes contain large amounts of starch and a relatively small amount of fiber, vitamins, minerals and polyphenols (disease-fighting chemical compounds found in fruits and vegetables). Low quality and quantity of carbohydrates in potatoes was associated with a higher risk of diabetes type 2. And when served hot potato, the starch to be more easily digested and raise blood glucose levels more quickly "said Dr. Isao.
In the US national food guide, by the Institute of Medicine, the potato was regarded as 'healthy vegetables'. While by The Eatwell Plate, the UK, the potato is listed as a type of cereal foods. Both at the beginning of the study considered that the potatoes did not have any involvement with diabetes, heart disease and stroke, or cancer.
But Dr. Isao and his team have been doing for four years to study the issue and found different results. They found that people who consume more potatoes, although not fried or processed into chips, still have a significant risk for diabetes type 2. For prevention, they are advised to consume more whole grains, vegetables and fruit
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