The fat will accumulate in the stomach when you consume more calories than needed. If you want to lose belly fat, reduce calorie intake and increase activity of the body. Certain foods can also help burn belly fat.
In addition to increasing the activity of the body, eat special foods to help lower body weight, especially in the abdomen.
Here are some foods that could be burning belly fat, as reported by Livestrong,
1. Salmon
Salmon are foods high in omega-3 fatty acids and omega-3 fatty acids may increase the body's metabolism. Spot 4 ounce servings of salmon twice a week can help burn fat in the abdominal area. Another option to increase the intake of omega-3 fatty acids are flaxseed, walnuts, mackerel and tuna.
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2. Avocado
Monounsaturated fats in avocados can prevent sugar spikes that contribute to weight gain middle portion (abdomen), according to CBS News. Avocados are rich in monounsaturated fat, contains about 10 grams for half an avocado. Avocados also help the body better absorb carotenoids, namely cancer-fighting compounds.
3. Whole wheat pasta
Eating food grains such as whole wheat pasta can maintain the body's insulin levels remain low, reports CBS News. The body takes longer to digest whole grains. As a result, you feel full longer and reduce the risk of overeating later in the day.
4. Almonds
Almonds contain high levels of magnesium. These minerals promote better muscle contractions, allowing you to burn belly fat more easily. Experts recommend eating about 23 almonds every day.
5. Eggs
Eggs contain a perfect blend of essential amino acids and protein building blocks of muscle. Eating eggs every day will help you burn belly fat more effectively. If you have high cholesterol, you should avoid eating egg yolk. Discuss eat eggs every day with your doctor to determine if this is the right choice for your medical condition.
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