Some activities will feel more comfortable to do with music, for example, exercise, clean the house, parties, and even give birth. Yes, you did not misread. Now the process of giving birth may be more comfortable with the presence of "push playlist" of Spotify, quoted from page
Refinery29 Monday
Spotify cooperation denganJacques Moritz, MD, an obstetrician at Weill Cornell Medical Center to find a list of songs that make you calm and comfortable when giving birth.
Dr. Moritz specifically looking for songs that are familiar and comforting, not distracting the focus, with a variety of artists and duration, as well as the beautiful tones. Moreover, the playlist will reflect the experience of childbirth: starting with slow songs and melow, then increases such as when the mother tried to push the baby out, until finally subsided when the baby has greeted the world.
As leaked, some of the tracks selected in between numbers of Pearl Jam, Death Cab, Coldplay and The Lumineers. It all depends on your taste in music.
How? You want to try to give birth initiated playlist Spotify?
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