Platelets none other than the blood cells that help the blood clotting process. Normal platelet counts range from 150,000 to 450,000 platelets per microliter of blood. If platelets someone is above or below normal levels can cause a variety of health-related illnesses that can prevent us overall.
If our blood platelet counts below the normal range before then we included low platelet counts. Some of the causes of the low platelet count is exposure to chemicals, anemia, leukemia, etc.
Especially in the rainy season like now, where one of the diseases that must be on the alert is dengue fever. Most dengue patients died due to decreases in blood platelets drastically. Then the lack of platelets in the blood is not something that can say trivial for our health, because lives could be threatened by it.
There are a number of varied ways to increase the number of blood platelets us that our health is maintained well. And the best way for us to keep our blood platelets jumla remain stable is to eat the right foods in the right amounts.
There are certain
foods that can help us increase the number of blood platelets. Therefore, in this article I will give you some amazing food that can help improve our blood platelets. Here are some of those foods.
1. Papaya
Papaya is one of the best fruit you can take to increase the number of platelets. Apart from the fruit, papaya leaves can also be consumed to increase the platelet count. Carica papaya is highly recommended for patients with dengue fever, because it helps to increase the platelet count.
2. Wheatgrass
Wheat grass is very helpful in increasing the platelet count. Consuming wheat grass juice regularly by adding lemon juice into it can help increase red blood cells and most of the hemoglobin level.
3. Pomegranate
Rich iron content in pomegranates can increase the number of platelets and blood cells. Pomegranates are rich in vitamins and minerals that help in getting resistance and strength against invading foreign pathogens. It helps to combat the health problems associated with low platelets.
4. Pumpkin
Pumpkin is known to increase the levels of blood platelets to a certain level. Vitamin A is contained in a pumpkin supporting the development of platelets and set of proteins produced by cells of the body. This helps to increase the number of platelets in the blood.
5. Gooseberry
Gooseberries are also effective in increasing the number of blood platelets. It also helps boost the immune system. Consuming 2-3 gooseberry fruit per day on an empty stomach is very helpful in increasing the platelet count.
6. Bit / Red Bulbs
Bulbs of red has the ability to increase the number of blood platelets. It is recommended for patients with anemia. One bowl of red bulbs shall be consumed at least twice a week for anemic patients. In addition, the juice of red bulbs can also be consumed to double his lead.
Hopefully this article useful, there may be a relative, friend or people around you who are experiencing health problems related to blood platelets, the food on the sixth was to be a reference you, happy reading.
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