At every celebration of Eid, the food menu is always varied and everything was definitely appetizing. If you feel healthy but not tasteful look awful food, be careful because these symptoms can also signify the start of the aging process.
According to recent research at the Yale School of Medicine, loss of appetite can be triggered by the activity of free radicals. The compound also known as trigger this cancer comes from impurities in the body which can accelerate cell damage.
The aging process occurs because cells are damaged, so some decline organ function and performance. Not only in the body, the impact of cell damage can also be observed on the surface, for example when starting decorated wrinkles and looks dull.
justify;">Kerusan cells and some organs are also associated with various types of chronic diseases, such as diabetes and high blood pressure. Because impaired organ function, impaired metabolism system so susceptible to diseases typical of older people.
In relation to appetite, researchers have recently revealed that the increase in free radicals causing changes in the brain that regulates appetite. Nerves triggers satiety called melanocortin increased activity so that no appetite.
Melanocortin that is located in the hypothalamus of the brain that regulates the release of the compounds leptin and glucose. Both are needed to regulate the body when to be hungry and when to feel full, so avoid excessive eating (overeating).
"On the one hand, reduced appetite due to an increase in free radicals could prevent obesity. But on the other hand, these compounds can trigger cell damage if soiling the body constantly," said Prof. Sabrina Diano, who led the study as quoted by the Dailymail,
Fortunately the aging process triggered by the free radical can be resisted with the antioxidant compounds contained in many fruits and vegetables. Vitamins and phytochemical compounds in it is an antioxidant that can ward off cancer and slow the aging process.
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