Some of you may know the benefits of papaya fruit. In addition to digestive problems, this fruit is also believed to be able to cope with arthritis, osteoporosis or joint pain. But did you know that papaya seeds are also beneficial for health?
Boldsky, reported papaya seeds have some benefits, such as:
1. Antiinflamasi
Papaya seeds have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties good for the digestion, kidneys and liver health.
2. Prevent cirrhosis
Liver cirrhosis is a liver disease that is usually caused by excessive alcohol consumption over the years, where the condition of the liver shrinks and hardens. In this state, the body is no longer able to filter toxins from the body. Consumption of papaya seeds that have been dried and pulverized, mixed with lemon juice to overcome liver cirrhosis.
3. Antivirus
Papaya seeds also work as an effective antiviral agent and cure mild viral infection.
4. Anticancer
A study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry at the April 2011 report, papaya seeds may contain immunomodulatory compound that could slow tumor growth.
5. Prevent kidney disease
Papaya seeds have antibacterial properties and detoxification. Mix one teaspoon of dried papaya seeds with a teaspoon of sugar every morning can prevent kidney disease.
6. Worms
The study, published in the Asia Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine in June 2011 found that the alkaloid compounds in the papaya carpaine kills intestinal worms and parasites.
7. Healthy digestive system
The enzyme papain in papaya can help the digestive system.
8. joint disease
Papaya seeds good for treating arthritis and joint diseases.
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