Everyone certainly has its advantages and also disadvantages. A recent study found that deaf people are able to read a person's body movement more quickly than people who can hear.
Researchers have found that deaf people who use sign language are able to recognize and interpret body language more quickly than those who hear and do not use sign language.
"There are a lot of anecdotes about deaf people are said to be able to capture the body language, but this study provides the first evidence for it," said David Corina, professor in the department of linguistics and Center for Mind and Brain, University of California, as quoted from HealthDay.
Corina and
colleagues compared the response of the deaf and hearing people to a video clip of people who use American Sign Language or create a language with physical movement.
"We hope they can about sign language more quickly than those who hear. But surprises are in fact deaf people can read the motion or body language of 100 milliseconds faster," said Corina.
Corina express this finding is important because it shows that the human ability to adapt and communication are not only restricted to talking only. These results will be released online in the journal Cognition.
In addition this study also show deaf people can be very adept at detecting subtle traits that emerged from the first acts of physical or geraan others. These skills can be useful for some sensitive jobs such as airport checks.
Other results found in previous studies known to people who are born with hearing loss have more ability in the sense of sight. This is because people with impaired hearing in brain regions normally associated with peripheral hearing will experience an increase in other brain regions, namely peripheral vision (peripheral vision).
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