in the field of food industry with the various ways of marketing often makes us become less conscientious especially if the food is predicted conclusively as a healthy food. In fact, if we want a little more closely, there are some things that make these foods become unhealthy if it was because of the additional ingredients they contain and the reduction of nutrients in it due to the manufacturing process.
We may feel that eating healthy food because it prefers salad instead of a burger. The salads were fresh is healthy, but not so with the sauce and other additives. In this modern world many of which claims its product is healthy or healthier, though not necessarily like it. Could indeed essentially when unprocessed ingredients is a healthy food, but when it has been processed and given additional materials, such healthy foods claimed to be unwell again. Again rigor we as consumers are required to be more observant.
Here are 10 healthy foods that are not healthy.
1. juice
Juice in the packaging is very practical and we unconsciously bought in the belief that drinking is good for health. During juice mixed with other ingredients such as water, sugar, food coloring, and other materials; The content of the fruit in the juice actually does not reach 100%. Instead of taking healthy food, that there is even we develop diabetes as a result of excessive drinking. If you want to benefit from the fruit, you should eat the fruit directly. In addition to health benefits, eating fruits can instantly give a feeling more satisfied than drinking juice.
2. Salad
Homemade salads and salad were booked in the restaurant certainly different. When making salad at home, we can find out exactly what freshness and ingredients that our input as an additional and sauces. Meanwhile, some restaurants often serving salad with sauce rich in fat and sugar and add ingredients such as nuts or fruit sugar coated and croutons (pieces of fried bread). This certainly makes the salads are healthy should be unhealthy. To avoid the "trap" salad at the restaurant, we should create their own salad dressing by mixing a low-sugar into our favorite lettuce and vegetables.
3. Bread wheat
Whole grain breads are believed to contain a lot of fiber to food is becoming quite popular, especially for those who want to maintain weight or lose weight. In fact, most of the wheat bread made with refined materials so that their nutritional value is already much reduced. Instead of eating whole grains is good for the heart, we even eat sugar unimportant and process materials derived.
4. Cereals
Packed with sugar, artificial ingredients, flavor enhancer, and the grain of wheat that has been finely processed, cereal is not as healthy as advertised. Not only replenish the body with materials that are less useful, cereals only make full during the
first hour, the rest we will be hungry again. When our bodies do not get the nutrients it needs, then our body will ask for more, regardless of how many calories you've consumed. To get rich nutrition and a full belly, then replace cereals with eggs are rich in protein and heart healthy bowl of oatmeal.
5. Energy drinks
Often advertised as a drink that is often taken by athletes does not make a healthy energy drinks in the real sense. Many energy drinks are filled with sugar, corn syrup, and artificial food colorings. Citric acid contained in it also feared could damage tooth enamel. To obtain a drink that is rich in nutrients and electrolytes, we can add a tablespoon of honey, lemon juice, and a pinch of Himalayan sea salt into a glass of warm water.
6. Low-fat yogurt
Low-fat yogurt is very interesting, especially for women who want a slim body. But most low-fat yogurt add ingredients such as corn starch and artificial sweeteners to replace the flavor lost due to fat removed. Therefore, the consumption of fat-rich yogurt that contains some simple ingredients are better than low-fat yogurt.
7. Granola bars
Granola is food for breakfast which consisted of beans, oats, dried fruits and honey. The food was then packed bars and healthy claimed is very popular in America as a substitute for breakfast when in a hurry. In fact, granola bars has been stripped of the nutrients during the production process. Not only that, sugar was also added. At the end of granola bars are low in fiber and rich in trans fats are nothing but desserts are rich in sugar. If you want to enjoy granola, granola choose usual without any additional material and enjoy with a bowl of fresh fruit as a complementary flavor.
8. Beef Packaging
The beef packing or bacon (dry) per paknya may contain 362 mg of sodium or salt. Meanwhile, suggested that people consume less than 2,300 mg of sodium per day, or about one teaspoon. Even for those who are dieting, it is advisable to consume just a quarter teaspoon of salt per day only. Therefore, you should choose fresh beef if you want to consume meat yourselves and go by baking.
9. Dry Cranberry
This fruit is famous because it is claimed to have various health benefits even mentioned as one superfood. No doubt dried cranberries are now already arrived in Indonesia and sold at a price of about 85 to 115 thousand rupiah per kilogram. Dried cranberry famous very sweet though no added sugar. Unfortunately dried fruit does not give a sense of satiety, so we will continue to want to consume. It can make us into consuming more calories. To avoid the buildup of calories that are not needed, add a fruit salad when eating them.
10. protein flour
Fresh protein sources such as eggs, beans, and meat and poultry are the best sources of protein. As with the flour proteins which can have a negative effect on the kidneys and liver due to excess protein. Any average person requires only 50-100 grams of protein per day which can be obtained easily through food, drinks, and snacks daily. Meanwhile adding protein powder can make our system of excess protein.
Best healthy food is food that contains protein, minerals, vitamins, and fats in accordance with the needs of the human body that is well adapted to age. The food was healthy when it was claimed through the production process is not necessarily true because most plus additional ingredients and artificial that can damage health, either directly or slowly. It should concern us all. To prevent things that are not desirable, eat healthy food as healthy-healthy in its original form.
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