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The natural way to eliminate acne - Acne is becoming a serious problem almost everyone. Although it is a disease that is not dangerous, but the presence of acne is very disturbing. Although only a small bump, but acne can ruin a person's appearance. Therefore it is now a lot of popping beauty products that can get rid of acne fast.
Although many beauty products that can eliminate acne fast, but still beauty products contain chemicals that tentunyan not good for the skin, therefore we suggest that we continue to use natural means to get rid of acne.
To get rid of acne do need extra patience and diligence. Before we discuss how to deal with acne, we must first identify what causes acne munucul in our face. To know that you can read in previous articles that the cause of acne that you must know.
To get rid of acne are actually many ways, but the natural way is the best way at the same time safe for our skin. Nahh following is a natural way to eliminate acne in one night.
1. Garlic
Garlic which we know as the spice in the kitchen turned out to be very powerful to get rid of acne. Even sangking efficacious, garlic can eliminate acne in just one night only. I myself often use garlic to get rid of acne. For his own way so easily is your mashed garlic until soft and then you stick it on the skin with acne, or you can also cut the garlic into thin, then you incitement on the part of acne, although sometimes feels a bit sore, but this way it is effective in removing acne.
2. Lime
Orange juice is also a fruit that has many benefits for skin beauty. Citrid acid orange juice contains a substance that is excellent for moving the dead skin cells that cause acne. We can make a concoction of lemon mixed with rose water, which is how you mix the lemon juice with rose water and then apply on the skin of acne, let stand for 10-15 minutes, then you rinse with warm water. Try you routinely perform this way 2 times a week.
3. Aloe vera
Aloe vera is known as a plant that is very beneficial for the health of the hair. But it was not just for the hair, aloe vera is also very beneficial for skin health and beauty. In this issue, aloe vera can be used to treat acne. For its own way is easy, that you cut aloe vera up into several parts, and then you discard the skin and rub aloe vera on your mulit acne, how to do this in the morning and evening, it will quickly dry out acne.
4. The egg white
The egg white has many benefits for the skin beauty. Many women who use egg whites as a facial skin care by making it as a face mask. Besides being able to make the face becomes taut, white, clean and naturally beautiful, egg whites can also eliminate acne quickly. To do that you must first separate the egg whites with the skin,
then you beat the egg whites until foamy, apply the egg white on your face and let stand about 15 minutes or until the face is stiff, you just rinse with warm water. The egg whites will absorb the oil until the causes of acne and acne will eventually disappear quickly.
5. Sea salt
Sea salt also meruapakan natural ingredients that can be used to get rid of acne fast. You can mix sea salt with warm water, then you can use a cotton bud to rub it into the skin with acne. You do not rinse it with water, let stand, because sea salt will kill bacteria and dry up pimples.
6. Using papaya
Papaya contains vitamins that are good for the skin. But very few people who knows if it turns papaya can be used to treat acne. For its own way very easily by papaya blend until smooth, then apply on your face and let stand about 20 minutes. After that you rinse with water until clean.
7. Using Tomatoes
Besides removing a blackhead tomatoes, tomatoes are also very effective for eliminating acne. It is very easy that you thinly sliced tomatoes and then you paste on your face with acne. You can also soften the tomatoes with the way in a blender, then use these tomatoes as a face mask. Do this on a regular basis, then not only the acne is missing, but your face becomes clean naturally beautiful.
8. Using honey
Honey is very beneficial for the health of our body, especially for skin beauty. Honey can be used as an acne medicine, particularly cystic acne. Besides honey also can eliminate acne scars quickly by mixing it with egg white. You mix the honey and egg white with a rate of 1: 1, you stir until well blended, then you rub on your skin. Let stand a few minutes to infuse your new wash with water.
In addition to eliminating acne from outside as we have mentioned above. You also need to do the treatment of acne in order to quickly disappear and not come back again. Treatment of the among which
1. Increase drinking water
Water is very important to our lives, white water buffer helps clean the toxins in the body, besides water also helps the body's metabolism and most importantly in this case is the water helps regenerate skin cells. With emphasis on water in addition to the body will be healthy, your skin will be protected from impurities that cause acne, and that certainly skin moist and supple.
2. Eat fruits and vegetables
Fruits and vegetables also contain many vitamins and water needed by the skin. Fruits and vegetables will help the body dissolve fats are bad, so that excess fat can reduced, so skin oil production will be reduced and acne does not appear.
3. Stay away from fatty foods
Foods that contain a lot of fat will make the body produce more oil. It will have an impact on the skin, with the production of excess oil on the skin will lead to clogged pores, resulting in acne and blackheads will easily grow. Therefore, you should avoid eating fatty-foods.
4. Avoid stress and sleep well
Probably not many people know if the stress and lack of sleep causes acne. Therefore, so that you avoid acne prone skin problems, you should sleep enough, so that the body's metabolism will be organized and jerawatpu will fade.
Such is the natural way to eliminate acne. The natural way is the best way, because they use natural ingredients that are safe and not mixed with hazardous chemicals. Hopefully this information is helpful. Thanks.
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