For everyone, especially women, pores acne scars that are very disturbing appearance. Especially when it would apply foundation, powder will be uniformly perfect. Because of fuzz and pores that are difficult to be covered with the powder, makeup and everything else will easily fade.
Based on the facts disclosed by Harris Poll sponsored by L'Oreal, 23 percent of women chose to surrender to all kinds of beauty products to shrink pores. Because of the large pores tend to be difficult to be diminished and need a long time.
Many beauty products are offered to shrink pores, and the results are still the same. You may find it difficult how to shrink pores acne scars. Already tried some beauty products but still no change. No need to worry, there are many natural ways that you can do to shrink the pores of your face. The trick was not complicated. You only need to do it routinely and regularly. Here are 7 natural ways to shrink pores acne scars:
7 Ways to Shrink Pores Acne Scars
> Diligent cleaning the face
Diligent cleaning your face. At least twice a day, morning and night. Lunch also things you can do when you often do activities outside the home. Do not ever feel lazy to wash your face. By regularly washing your face, your face will look clean no dirt. In the evening, you also do not be lazy to clean up the remnants of makeup with a cleanser that contains a high pH. In order for oil, blackheads, and the rest of the makeup stick can be lifted.
> Natural facial mask
Many natural face mask that you can
use to shrink the pores on your face, like a mask of cucumbers, tomatoes, yam, egg whites, papaya, and so forth. Masks are highly effective cleaning your face and shrink pores acne scars. By using natural mask will not cause side effects as well as other chemicals. Clean your face using natural make up at least twice a week. It will help take care of your face in order to maintain their health and will look fresh every day.
> Exercise regularly
With exercise could also be a solution to shrink the pores of your face. Because sports are very good weeks to health. Your skin will become firmer and healthier when you are exercising. No need to exercise such weighty. Enough with your body gerakkann menggerak or jog around the complex home. Lakukannlah with the routine at least 1 hour a day. Your skin will look firmer and healthier.
> Exfoliation regularly
You can mengkombinaskan beauty products that shaped exfoliating scrub with chemical products such as low levels of alcohol and free from glycolic serum. Before you use it, you should consult with a doctor of beauty, so that you do not choose the wrong product. Make sure the product is suitable to your skin. This method can eliminate dry skin and dead skin cells causes enlarged pores.
> Fruit apples and cucumbers
Combine both ingredients and halusakan. Then make a mask for your face. Apple and cucumber can absorb the excess oil on your face. And this naturally Maske can also shrink pores acne scars are difficult to reduce. Use this mask regularly in order to get maximum results.
> Baby Soap oil and vitamin E
Both of these materials when mixed and used as a face mask would be able to easily lift dead skin cells Yag contained on your face. So the face will seem fresher, brighter, smaller pores and certainly will look healthier and awake.
> Honey and oatmeal
Honey and oatmeal mixed and stir evenly, then laburkan on your facial skin evenly as well. You can mix some milk senndok to enhance results. Laburkan and pijan slowly in a circular motion. Perform this treatment regularly at least twice a week. It will make your skin more healthy and pores became smaller.
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