List of healthy foods for skin beauty - Having a beautiful and healthy skin is the dream of all women. By having a beautiful and healthy skin, the woman will look perfect. Therefore, various methods are used women to have healthy skin, beautiful, clean and bright.
In order to get a healthy and beautiful skin, various treatments performed by women. Quite often women are willing to spend money that is not little by doing treatment that is not clear will produce. Even some who do care are arguably not make sense. This is done to get the skin healthy and beautiful.
To get a healthy and beautiful skin are actually many ways. However, the most influential is the lifestyle. However, you do beauty treatments, if your lifestyle is bad, of course, will make your skin more quickly. Besides the food we eat is also very influential in the health and beauty of our skin. Do not let us sala foods so that the skin becomes wrinkled or old fast.
Speaking of food that can make your skin healthy and beautiful. There are some foods that can beautify the skin. Well the food is very good for your consumption to have a healthy and beautiful skin. Following a healthy diet for skin beauty.
List of Healthy Foods For Beauty Skin
List of Healthy Foods For Beauty Skin
1. Green vegetables and red
The first food that can enhance the skin is red and green vegetables. Of course we all know if vegetables are good for health also beauty. Vegetables contain lots of water to prevent dehydration of the skin so the skin will remain moist. Additionally vegetables contain beta-carotene which serves as an anti-oxidant for the skin. Vegetables will help regenerate the skin so the skin will always appear young, beautiful and bright. The most recommended vegetables are spinach, carrots, broccoli and other vegetables.
2. Fish
Fish rich in omega-3 which keep the skin to remain bright. Besides frequent consumption of fish may protect the skin from the sun and pollution. This is because the protein contained in fish are able to produce cells that appear bright and radiant skin. The most recommended fish are salmon, sardines, tuna and others.
3. Red meat
Red meat contains zinc and protein is good for the health of the face. This is because in red meat are high in protein which is good for both mengkonsenstrat above amino acids to produce collagen and anti inflamotori natural.
4. Green tea
Already no doubt about the benefits of green tea for health and beauty. Green tea contains anti-oxidants that are capable of and also against the harmful effects of free radicals. Green tea can protect the skin from the sun, prevents aging, prevent skin cancer, green tea also helps repair damaged skin to rejuvenate skin cells. Additionally green tea is also potent acne and also make your skin naturally beautiful sunny.
5. Lemon water
Lemon water is a natural substance that is often used as a facial skin care. Lemom can be the solution of a variety of skin problems. Lemon is rich in vitamin C that can rejuvenate the skin and make skin brighter. Consuming lemon regularly can make your skin firmer, brighter and avoid wrinkles, blackheads also acne.
6. Fruit berries
Berries are the fruit of a known potent against cancer cells. Well apart against cancer cells, berry fruits can also protect the skin from free radicals, beuah berries can also help rejuvenate the skin so the skin is always beautiful and youthful ,. Berries are rich in antioxidants that are good for the skin.
7. The green beans
The green beans are very good for health also beauty. Consuming green beans 10 mg daily routine can make hair and nails strong and beautiful.
8. Avocados
Avocado fruit is known to have a healthy fat that makes the skin supple and moist. Besides avocado also will make your skin shine brighter, in addition you can use as a face mask, you can get the benefits of avocado fruit with how to consume on a daily basis.
9. Yogurt
Yougurt is a food or beverage source of vitamin A, a nutrient that is essential for maintaining healthy skin. Vitamin A helps the body's collagen to help maintain skin suppleness and elasticity. Yogurt will protect collagen from damage. You can consume yougurt or use it as a mask.
10. Dark chocolate
Drak chocolate or dark chocolate is a food rich in flavonoid antioxidants. According to the study, dark chocolate not only protects the heart and blood vessels only. But also protects the skin from free radicals as well as from the sun can damage the skin.
11. Turmeric
Turmeric is a spice that meliki many benefits. Turmeric is used as a face mask to treat acne, blackheads and brighten the skin. Well turmeric can also be used as a spice in cooking. Turmeric is the main source of curcumin, active polyphenolic compounds that could protect against the development of cancer cells. Curcumin can also relieve inflammation as well as being an antioxidant that can protect the skin from damage.
12. The olives or olive oil
The olives can we consume directly or we squeeze into olive oil. Of course we know the benefits of olive for skin beauty. Yes true zaitu has many benefits for the skin. Well you besides you can use as a mask, you can also consume zatun to get sehatn and beautiful skin.
13. Eggs
Eggs are known as protein-containing foods are very high. Eggs besides good to meet the nutritional needs of our bodies. Eggs also prevent the skin from drying. Therefore, the eggs can also prevent premature penuaah.
14. Walnuts
As well as fish. Walnuts are also rich in omega-3. Therefore, walnuts can make the skin smooth and youthful.
15. Tomato and guava
Tomato and guava known to contain vitamin C which is 7 times larger than oranges. In addition both the fruit also contains lycopene, which stimulates the formation of collagen under the skin. Consuming the fruit is very suitable to protect the skin from wrinkles and make your skin brighter.
16. Grains
Grains contain a lot of vitamin biotin or vitamin B complex which is necessary for maintaining healthy skin. Disadvantages little of vitamin B can cause the skin to become dry, dull, wrinkled and flaky. Therefore, consume whole grains are essential to maintaining skin health and beauty.
17. Papaya
Papaya fruit is very good for our digestive system. In addition papaya fruit contains beta carotene which is great for cleaning the skin. Besides papaya also contains antioxidants that are good for the skin, papaya can help regenerate the skin so the skin will always be awake and youthful.
18. Cucumbers
Cucumber is a fruit that has a water content of up to 90%. Cucumbers can prevent dehydration of the skin so the skin will always retain moisture. Cucumbers are also often used as a face mask to treat acne and various other skin problems. By eating cucumber regularly can menbuat skin become young and beautiful.
19. Coconut
Coconut can fight the fungus also acne. Coconut can also fight bad bacteria bakterii maintain good fiber. While coconut oil contains microbes that can kill bacteria without menyebbaban damage to the skin.
20. Vegetable oil
Vegetable oil is also a food that is good for skin health. You can make a vegetable oil as a moisturizer you can also make the replacement oil. Vegetable oil is rich in vitamin E are good for skin health and beauty.
Foods that you should avoid for skin beauty
In addition there are foods that can make your skin healthy and beautiful unisex foods that make your skin dull, wrinkled and damaged. There are some foods that you should avoid because the food is not good for your skin. Here's a list of foods and beverages that you should avoid.
1. Processed foods
Processed foods are foods that are not healthy for our bodies. Processed foods may be tasty on the tongue, but it can be the cause of many health problems, not only that, processed foods can also damage the skin. Therefore, avoid processed foods.
2. Alcohol
Alcohol is intoxicating beverages. Alcohol can cause a variety of serious diseases such as obesity, heart disease and other struke. Alcohol also makes the skin becomes dry, wrinkled and too dull. This is because alcohol makes the skin dehydrated. Therefore, avoid alcohol for a healthier life and for beautiful skin.
3. Caffeine
Caffeine also has an adverse effect on the skin. Caffeine can increase the production of cortisol that can increase the aging process. Caffeine also causes dehydration so the skin becomes dry and dull. Avoid foods or drinks that contain caffeine.
4. Foods that contain too much salt
The food was too salty or contain too much salt is not good for skin health. Excess salt content will retain fluid and cause swelling of the skin so the skin gets dry and dull.
5. Foods that contain a lot of sugar
In addition to foods that contain a lot of salt, foods containing too much sugar will be a problem for the body and skin. Foods that contain a lot of sugar will cause the sugar levels in the body increases. Insulin and androgen secretion increases causing dead skin cells. This causes the skin becomes prone.
Thus the list of healthy foods for skin care as well as food that you must avoid because it can damage the health of the skin. In addition to the above foods you are also advised to remain diligent exercise. Exercise will make a smooth blood circulation and skin will always be fresh. May the above information helpful. Thanks.
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