Attention, often driving a car to the Office of Obesity Triggers

Attention, often driving a car to the Office of Obesity Triggers

Some people judge, in a car, including at work, more convenient and practical. Unfortunately, these habits can cause some problems, such as obesity. 

The researchers found that workers who drove to the office to have greater weight and had higher fat than those who were cycling, walking and using public transport. 

"We know that exercise protects the body from obesity and chronic disease. However, we found it difficult to find time to exercise in the middle of a busy schedule," said lead author Ellen Flint from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. 

Quoted by the Times of India, Ellen explained, this study shows that ordinary people doing physical activity in their daily activities, have a smaller weight. Not only that, they also considered healthier than people who drive private cars. 

To examine the relationship between the way into the office with the body weight, the researchers used data from UK Biobank to 157,000 middle-aged adults in the UK. Data was collected from 2006 to 2010. 

The researchers measured body fat in two ways, namely body mass index and body fat percentage. 

The result, after examining the pattern of lifestyle, men and women who went to work by public transport has a body mass index and total body fat is lower. 

In addition, this study also showed that men who use bicycles to the office, have an average numeral 2 points lower BMI, body weight around 6 kg lighter than those who drive a car. Meanwhile, women who cycled a lower BMI of 1.65 points, and 5 kilograms lighter.

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