Mystery Bird Mass Suicide in India

Jatinga - Maybe this is the most bizarre phenomena. In India, every year dozens of birds flying and mutual menabrakan into trees, houses and other buildings. As mass suicide!

That phenomenon is in the village of Jatinga, Dima Hasao in northeast India. The phenomenon known as 'bird deaths' that have taken place since ancient times until now. Strange phenomenon that even biologists have not been able to solve what the cause.

From the official website of Dima Hasao government. Jatinga village located in a valley surrounded by mountains Haflong. The village is actually a pretty, clean and fresh air.

But in September to November, is another story. Because when it came to pass the phenomenon of mass suicides birds. The streets in the village will be filled by the many birds that have been dead or dying!

Precisely, occurred in the evening at around 19:00 until 22:00 at night. The sky will be filled by the birds that fly in scrambles. Somehow, the birds instead menabrakan into the house, other buildings or trees. Then, they were dying, and not a few are dead.

Because of the fog, lights, or Spirit of Evil?

The phenomenon of 'bird deaths' occur each year, which has been going on since the 1900s. According to local belief, the cause is that there are spirits in the sky. They 'hit' the bird to death and then fell to the ground. Then, it becomes food for the community.

From the answers biologists and scientists, they had not yet found a satisfactory answer to this moment. Just turn up the various speculations and opinions, which of course has not been proven true.

First, they assess the birds that fly over the village of Jatinga trapped by fog. The birds difficult to get out of the valley until it crashed into the buildings and trees. Indeed, the time from September to November is always going mist in the village and into the rainy season.

Second, turbulence was light. Biologists assess, light or torch in the village attract birds. They flew up and approached him while nyatanyat actually crashing buildings and trees.

Interestingly, it turns out the birds that died in the village of Jatinga is not migratory birds. From the research, there are 44 identified species of birds and it all comes from the hills and mountain slopes near his village!

At least, there are two fundamental questions that so far have not answered? One, why the birds fly at night and in large numbers? Second, the phenomenon has been going on since a long time and why constantly repeated?

There are three experts ornotologi of India (branch of zoology that studies birds), the Dr Salim Ali, Dr S Sengupta and A Rauf asserts mendelam require more study about this phenomenon. Including, not only from the standpoint of bird behavior but from the weather to the magnetic field of the Earth.

"The most confusing thing for me about this phenomenon is that so many species of birds that fly at a time when they should have been sleeping. This issue deserves more scientific study from various angles," said Dr. Salim Ali.

Government of India open hand, for anyone who wants to examine this phenomenon in Jatinga. Especially for tourists, the government instead held Dima Hasao Jatinga Festival which began in 2010. Tourists will be taken immediately see a flock of birds that fly at night and crashing into anything. Then, followed by meat eating bird.

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