Usually waterproof bag shaped like a tube and looks less attractive. Not with this one because it could say this is the coolest waterproof bags worldwide.
Project stylish waterproof bag made by a company named Vicious Venom swim gear Hong Kong origin. Visiting in his official website , there are new products that will be issued by them.
Unlike most waterproof bag on the market, this one is really stylish. The form is nothing like a clutch bag, backpack until cool.
Did not look like want to dive or snorkel. Made like this because not everyone wants to the beach with a sporty style.
There also want to carry a bag full of style. Therefore made bags of this type. Traveler men and women alike can choose their favorite bag.
Because there are shaped backpack today. Some are shaped shoulder bag, or tote bag that's beautiful. Suitable for those who are elegant.
Currently, the concept of stylish waterproof bag being crowded in Kickstarter. If the donations are collected, they can produce these bags. So far, there have been 86 supporters who collected USD 35 426. Goalnya, they can be produced at a cost of USD 50,000.
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