Bread consumption Make Weight Up, Myth or Fact?

There are a lot of myths, risks and benefits of health around the food we eat. Foods most often surrounded by myth is bread, milk, and eggs.

As technology advances, the more diverse the selection of bread, milk, and eggs out there. This would make the process of choosing the right foods and getting more challenging to secure.

No harm to equip themselves with knowledge and facts and myths about the three types of food such as quoted from page Today,

Myth or Fact: Eating bread makes you gain weight

It is a myth. In fact, eating the bread will not make you gain weight. Excessive eating of bread is the potential to add weight, so if you eat too calorie excess.

- Bread has the number of calories per ounce with the same protein.
- Whole wheat bread and white bread have the same number of calories per share.
- Whole wheat bread that comes fibers will make you feel more full. So you can eat a little and still full.

Myth or Fact: Organic milk contains more nutrients than regular milk.

It is a myth. In fact, organic milk and regular milk contains the same nutrients.

- The protein, calcium, vitamin D, and other nutrients in organic milk and regular milk are the same.
- Almond milk is naturally low in protein. But some brands to equip their products with extra protein to adjust the protein content of milk in general.
- Exposure to antibiotics and hormones in milk is approximately equivalent to the two types of milk.

Myth or Fact: Egg chocolate does not affect health.

It is a myth. Color egg is not associated with health benefits.

- A different type of chicken eggs to produce color differently.
- Kada egg nutrition is determined by feeding chickens, hence there is some difference.
- Eggs are a healthy food choice, whatever its color. The body can absorb and process all the eggs.
- One large egg contains 75 calories, 7 grams protein, 5 grams of fat, and 1.6 grams of saturated fat.
- Eggs also contain iron, vitamins, minerals, and carotenoids.

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