Mothers with Many Children Have Heart Healthier

The physiological changes a woman who experienced pregnancy can have a beneficial effect on health. The more a child has, the more remote the risk of heart disease and stroke.

Research done at the University of California, San Diego shows mothers who have children 4 or more likely to die from a stroke and heart are smaller.

The study involving 1,300 women in California. Women who had four or more children had a third fewer chances of getting heart disease. Most of the effect comes from the prevention of stroke, because the mother of a large family of almost 50 percent less likely to die from a stroke.

"In conclusion, women in this study had a risk of death from heart disease and blood vessels is lower if you have more than four children. The relationship was the most powerful to death from coronary heart disease," said researcher, Jacoobs Marni from the University of California, San Diego ,

Causative mechanism of risk reduction is unknown. Apparently, the high fertility depicts healthy women, circulating hormones estrogen or other hormones are more and longer will increase the strength of blood vessels during pregnancy. Or, it could be because of social support from a larger family.

One theory that may be submitted are women protected by their hormones until menopause. This study shows that the number of pregnancies a woman may also have a positive effect on the risk of heart disease and blood vessels in later life.

"The physiological changes a woman who experienced pregnancy can have a beneficial effect on health," said Dr. Bradley Van Voorhis, President of the Society for Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility, as reported by The Telegraph.

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