The dose of drinking water intake recommended by the doctors is 2 liters or 8 glasses. However, this recommendation does not apply to people with chronic kidney disease.
in patients with chronic kidney disease, renal function has been severely disrupted. As a result, the kidneys can no longer treating drinking water well.
"If in patients with chronic renal impairment, stage 4 or stage 5 that his drinking had to be restricted. If not he'll be shortness of breath, could die,"
no standard formula to determine the dose intake. The dosage of drinking water is calculated based on the amount of urine that is discarded plus 600 cc.
For example, the average
adults spend much urine 1500-2000 cc per day. Therefore the recommended amount of water intake is 2100-2600 cc per day. This intake is equivalent to approximately 10-12 glasses of water.
For adults with normal physical activity, the recommended water intake is 8 glasses per day. While the needs of the rest obtained through the consumption of foods like fruits and vegetables.
But for patients with chronic kidney disease, the water intake is recommended for less. The formula used is still the same, only the production of urine of patients with chronic renal certainly less than healthy people.
"If patients with chronic renal kidney is the disorder that is severe. The production of urine may be only about 500 cc. So drink the water at around 1,100 cc or 5 cups per day," he added.
This dose applies to patients with severe chronic renal stage. In patients with chronic renal stage 1, 2 or 3, the intake of drinking water is still equated with healthy people.
"If the stage 1, 2 or 3, impaired kidney function have not been severe even encouraged to drink more. This is to prevent the severity of the disease," he concluded
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