Waking up late than it should probably look good, but it turns out, excessive sleep also damage the sleep cycle just as lack of sleep. How long it takes for people to sleep in a healthy manner different for each person, depending on age and many other factors.
Although excessive sleep does not cause the same health risks such as those caused by lack of sleep, a habit of sleeping late complications can indicate a person's physical and psychological health.
Effect of Excessive Sleeping
Similar to lack of sleep, excessive sleep also damage the circadian rhythm, a 24-hour cycle controlled by a biological clock that generates change, behavioral, physical, and mental.
With asleep longer than the normal time, we unconsciously distance themselves from this circadian rhythm. This will lead to feelings such as jet lag, such as lethargy, fatigue, and sleepiness due to sleep cycle messed up
People who sleep excessively may experience some side effects more while their bodies adjust to the correct time. For example, some studies have shown people who sleep excessively often complain of headaches throughout the day.
The researchers speculate that too much sleep can have an influence on certain nerves in the brain, particularly serotonin. Other possible side effects that
arise as a result of excessive sleep is pain, stroke, diabetes, and heart disease.
The reason people sleep longer
Sometimes, excessive sleeping habits are the result of a week long activities. At other times, it could be a sign of a more serious health complications. People who suffer from sleep apnea alarming condition where a person stops breathing repeatedly while sleeping at night-takes extra sleep because of sleep disturbance at night.
People who have this habit of excessive sleep may suffer from hypersomnia-when oversleeping becomes a medical condition. These people often feel tired during the day, even after sleeping all night. Feeling constantly exhausted in the end often forcing them to fall asleep at the wrong time. This is also the reason for the emergence of side effects such as anxiety, lack of energy, loss of appetite, and dementia.
How to prevent it?
For people who are aware that their sleep time greatly exaggerated, there are several options for dealing with them this dilemma, of the Medical Daily reported, the following preventive measures:
1. If you are taking obato-ty that cause drowsiness, consult your doctor about this, and stop consumption of the drug.
2. Exposed beams and being in the dark is very important for our circadian rhythms. Let the morning sun go into your room, and into a second alarm you.
3. Speaking of the alarm clock, put in place which is not covered by your hand. Get out of bed to turn it off could give a boost of energy.
4. The most important thing is, specify your sleep schedule and follow the schedule. Even on your holidays. Excessive sleep on Saturday and Sunday, meaning you'll be waking up sign on Monday.
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