Broccoli |
Study after study has shown that cruciferous vegetables, especially broccoli, has the ability to ward off cancer in one way or another. One recent study found that a specific enzyme found in cruciferous vegetables may prevent certain cancers to grow back, to kill the cancer stem cells. Another study showed extracts of broccoli sprouts reduce the risk of oral cancer in mice that never affected by the disease
Now, a recent study from Texas A & M Health Science Center switch to a more specific compounds in broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables are known as 'sulforaphane', and is known not only able to prevent cancer, but also can be used to help treat cancer.
In the study, published in the journal Clinical preformance epigenetics, the researchers used extracts of broccoli sprouts (broccoli sprout extract-BSE), a supplement containing sulforaphane. Testing is done to find out if BSE were able to prevent or even treat colon cancer, and their finding that it was successful, as quoted from page Medical Daily
The researchers gathered 28 participants aged 50 or over who are in the care of running a colonoscopy. They were asked to complete a survey regarding habits of eating vegetables and then measured their levels of p16, a tumor suppressor gene in their colon.
People who eat more cruciferous vegetables have higher levels of p16 in their colon, and at different levels remain high even if they do not eat
vegetables every day. The researchers believe this is happening because of sulforaphane triggers the body to change the gene so that it can prevent tumor growth better.
"These instructions are at the possibility that epigenetic mechanisms originally triggered by sulforaphane and the whole metabolism and downstream mechanism can be maintained, at least in the interim time period, even after these compounds disappear from the body," said the researchers.
The number of BSE supplements that can be obtained commercially, the researchers say that they are not fully convinced that these supplements are safe or effective to work with. The kind they use is indeed working well, but more research is needed for more conclusive results.
"We found no serious adverse events in healthy volunteers who take the pill have BSE for seven days," said Praveen Rejandran, alone originator of this study, in a press release. "We use a standardized extract of broccoli that is already in our study were provided by the John Hopkins University.
BSI supplements currently being evaluated in multiple clinical trials across the country, but we do not believe that other similar supplements can be obtained freely have the same levels of active ingredients, including sulforaphane. "
The researchers also noted that there is the possibility of risks due to the use of BSE in the long term. Sulforaphane introducing a protein called Nrf2, which is able to fight the cancer, but eventually it could also be contributing to plaque formation in the arteries. The result, the researchers were warning people to consult a doctor before you start taking supplements.
"We have not fully confident to recommend people to take supplements BSE, but it never hurts to repeat what was said during these nutrition experts: eat your vegetables," Rajendran said in the press release.
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