Human cry for different reasons and by different emotions, could be because of pain, sadness, loss, frustration, or fear. On the other hand, the tears can also provide benefits in maintaining one's health.
"Tears just one of the many wonders that worked so well that we could mengeluarkanya every day," said Dr. Gerald R. Bergman, a professor at the Medical University of Ohio and an instructor in the Division of Arts & Sciences Northwest State Community College in Archbold, Ohio ,
Regardless of the emotion and the underlying reasons, crying often makes people feel better. The study showed that 88.8% of people feel better after crying, and only 8.4% felt worse.
As reported by the New York Times, the following are the health benefits that can be obtained from crying.
1. Help Viewed
The basic function of tears is allowing humans to see. Tears not only lubricate the eyeball and eyelid, but also prevent it from drying out. If not properly lubricated, the eye can not see.
2. Kill Bacteria
Tears sebeanranya is antibacterial and antiviral agents that work against all bacteria from the places visited. Tears contain lysozyme, a liquid disinfectant that can kill 90-95% of bacteria in just 5-10 minutes.
3. Get rid of Toxins
Biochemist named William Frey has researched tears and found that the tears that form when experiencing grief is more toxic than the tear exposed to dust or irritation. As it turned out, tear it out toxins from the body formed because of stress.
4. Improve Mood
Too many levels of substance manganese (Mn) can lead to bad things such as: anxiety, restlessness, irritability, fatigue, aggression, emotional disorders, and all other negative feelings. Crying lower levels of manganese someone. Tears came out when sad containing 24% protein concentration is higher and can transport molecules that are toxic manganese.
5. Reduce Stress
Tears have a function as a sweat in the exercise, the crying is good for relieving stress. Tears reduce some of the chemicals that appear in the body due to stress such as endorphin, leucine-enkaphalin, and prolactin. But on the one hand, tears can also increase stress levels and exacerbate diseases caused by stress such as high blood pressure, heart disease, and ulcers.
6. Interest Sympathy and Closing the Self with Others
Tears can dramatically change a person pendangan and uniting people in a genuine way. Tears can break down the walls of the emotional and mental barriers within yourself to others.
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