Precious metals were hunted since ancient times until now have made some almost everyone wants to find a way to get gold. apart from extracting natural resources, some experts also conduct research mixing of chemicals that can be converted into gold. But we've never seen anyone successfully. But do you know that friend relic once word got out that ordinary metal can be turned into gold. whether and how the name of knowledge dissemination as well as those who?
Alchemist are people who learn about alchemy. What was alchemy? Alchemy is a science based chemical with spiritual understanding that aims to create objects or materials that do not make sense, and aims to fight the laws of nature. The word alchemy comes from the Arabic al-Kimiya or al-khimiya (الكيمياء or الخيمياء), which may be formed from particles al- and the Greek word khumeia (χυμεία) meaning "cast together", "pour together", "melt", "alloy", and others (from khumatos, "which is poured, metal rods"). Another etymology associate this word with the word "Al-Kemi", which means "the Egyptian Art", since the Ancient Egyptians called their land "Kemi" and is seen as a powerful magicians in the ancient world.
So in outline Alchemy is an ancient science that focuses on efforts to turn base metals into gold (transmutation), research on the Elixir of Life (herb of eternal life) and the attainment of a high level of wisdom. This practice has been carried out by the inhabitants of ancient times, from Egypt, India, Mesopotamia, Europe to China and Japan. One of the most important aspects of the science of alchemy is philospher's Stone, a substance that is believed capable of turning base metals into gold. This substance has been sought by the alchemist for thousands of years without success.
During this time, Alchemy was classified into Pseudo Science because they did not follow the rules of basic science and there is no scientific evidence produced. Even Isaac Newton, who once wrote some discussion about alchemy also not managed to solve the mystery philospher's Stone or the Elixir of Life. Of course, this makes the science of alchemy hanging between fiction and reality. However, at the beginning of the 20th century, in Paris, there's a rumor that the city lived an alchemist who lived in secret and has successfully solved the ancient secrets of transmutation, in other words, the secret of the Philosopher's Stone itself. Alchemist is known as Fulcanelli.
Fulcanelli Appears
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The members who have never met this master alchemist began to doubt its existence, until one day, a mysterious book appeared. The book appeared in Paris in 1926 under the title "Le Mystere des Cathedrales 'or' The Mystery of Cathedrals" and only printed 300 copies.
That said, anyone who read the book in a way that is appropriate to be privy to such transmutation turn lead into gold. The author's name listed on the front cover of the book was just one word, Fulcanelli. 36 illustrations in the book was made by Jean Julien Champagne and the preface written by Eugene Canseliet. Canseliet claimed to have arranged the publication of the book on the personal request of Fulcanelli. With the publication of this book, doubts the existence of a mysterious figure was gone because the book contains a remarkable intellectual level. This book contains topics concerning the interpretation of symbols in various Gothic cathedral and other buildings in Europe. According to this book, the Gothic buildings hide instruction alchemy symbols etched into the building. Although this topic has been discussed by many writers before, but never anyone who writes in a way that is so clear and specific. Thus Fulcanelli started to become the center of attention among the alchemist and occultist in paris.
In 1930, a second book reappeared. The title "Les Demeures Philosophales" or "The Dwellings of the Philosophers." Again, Canseliet write the preface and Champagne making illustrations. Canseliet claimed that Fulcanelli actually had made the third book entitled "Finis Gloria Mundi" or "The End of Worldly Glory. "Yet, somehow, Fulcanelli ordered to destroy the manuscript before it was published. According Canseliet, Fulcanelli never gave him a powder alchemy called" powder of projection "in 1922. With this powder, Fulcanelli allow Canseliet change four ounces of lead into gold ,
Canseliet testimony regarding Fulcanelli ability to transmute base metals into gold is confirmed by Albertus Spagyricus. In his book "The Alchemist of the Rocky Mountains", he was saying that Fulcanelli ever changing half pounds of lead into gold and silver to convert four ounces of uranium in 1937.
This transmutation of events happening in Castel de Lere, close to Borges and touted witnessed by Pierre de Lesseps with two physicists, a chemist and geologist.
Albertus said:
"When Fulcanelli added substance unknown into a half pounds of molten tin, lead was transformed into gold with the same weight. Fulcanelli do the same thing with silver which then immediately turns into uranium. When asked to name the substance, he just said that the substance was derived from Ferrous Pyrite. "
Of course, if these events occur, then undoubtedly, Fulcanelli probably the only alchemist of the 20th century who managed to do transmutation.
In addition to its ability to perform transmutation, Fulcanelli also believed to have knowledge of a far more advanced than his time. This comes from the testimony of a chemist who was also a journalist named Jacques Bergier.
Meeting with Jacques Bergier
In June 1937, the Bergier claimed to have visited by a mysterious man who asked him to convey a message to physicists Andre Helboner. The mysterious man said that he felt obliged to warn them of the dangers that can be generated from the business of manipulating nuclear energy. At that time, the atomic bomb has not been created. This means that the mysterious man had knowledge that has not been widely known in the world of science at that time. Bergier sure if he was Fulcanelli. Even odder is that, after a visit to the Bergier, the American Office for Strategic Services (Embryo CIA) began to conduct extensive research on Fulcanelli figure until the end of World War II. The goal is to collect all the scientists who have prior knowledge about the nuclear to prevent defection to the enemy. But Fulcanelli was never found.
Last Meeting Canseliet and Fulcanelli
In his testimony decades later, Canseliet claimed to meet again with Fulcanelli in 1954 where he saw Fulcanelli does not grow old. This shows that he also managed to find the secret of the Elixir of Life.
"Master is very old, but 80 years as usual for him. 30 years later, I returned to see and he looks like someone who is 50 years old. He did not look older than me."
At that time Canseliet traveled to Seville, Spain, where he was taken through the streets that meander toward a large castle that sits between the mountains. Arriving there, he was greeted by Fulcanelli himself. Inside the castle, Canseliet said she saw there were women and children dressed as medieval. Then, Fulcanelli took it to a laboratory and allowed it to conduct experiments. After that encounter, he never met with Fulcanelli again. Fulcanelli figure never resurface. Canseliet also said that it is the last year of his encounter with the mysterious figure. So, this is where the mystery is. Do Fulcanelli really exist?
Who Actually Fulcanelli
Since its emergence, a mysterious figure has been haunting the followers of alchemy and the occult in the world today. Hidden identity makes Fulcanelli cult by many groups alchemy worldwide. There is a theory that Fulcanelli actually was the last member of the royal family of France, The Valois. These families have long been interested in things magical and mystical. Although the entire family has been exterminated by the king Henri III in 1589, but there are descendants still survive until 1615.
There is another theory which says that Fulcanelli was a bookseller occultist, Pierre Dujols. However, known Dujols not a true alchemist. Others believe that Fulcanelli is one of three alchemist who lived in France at that time were using pseudonymous Auriger, Faugerons and Dr.Jaubert. However, the argument against this theory is quite plausible. If Fulcanelli is one of them, why use more than one alias name?Then, some suspect Pierre de Lesseps. Family crest Lesseps is a sea horse. Fulcanelli emblem found in the first book is also a sea horse. Patrick Riviere, Canseliet students, have a different opinion. He believes that Fulcanelli was Jules Violle, the famous French physicist. Violle is a physicist who researched and absorption of solar radiation by the atmosphere.
Then, some believe that Fulcanelli is F Jolivet Castelot, president of Alchemist's Society of France in 1914. This man is also a member of the Order of cabalistic de la Rose-Croix legendary. This conclusion is drawn because the back cover of the second book Fulcanelli entitled "Les Demeures Philosophales" there is a shield emblem Dom Robert Jollivet, a 13th century monk who was also studying alchemy. So it was natural that people thought Fulcanelli is a direct descendant of Castelot.
The other, trying to take the middle path. According to them, Fulcanelli not pseudonymous of one person, but instead refers to The Brotherhood of Heliopolis established by Champagne and Cansaliet. However, of all these allegations, allegations always the most popular ranges to the two figures that Fulcanelli introduced to the public for the first time, ie Canseliet and Champagne. Both of these people who are directly involved with the book and claim to know Fulcanelli Fulcanelli personally.
Canseliet And Champagne Mysterious
Do Canseliet is the figure behind the name of Fulcanelli? There are some caveats about this theory. Fulcanelli when the first book was published, age Canseliet still 20s years. He was considered too young to acquire extensive knowledge on the subject of alchemy that complicated. Moreover, a study of the style of language in the preface indicate a difference in the style of language on the contents of the book. Therefore, orangpun eyes drawn to Champagne, the illustrator of books Fulcanelli. when the book was published, umurya already 50 years.
Fulcanelli book publisher named Jean Schemit believe that Champagne is Fulcanelli because on several occasions Canseliet call Champagne as their master. Champagne was born in 1877 and has studied alchemy since the age of 16 years. 1916. He met Canseliet aged 17 years and picked it up as a student. According to some people, Champagne never admitted to them that he was Fulcanelli. Interestingly, in the book Le Mystere des Cathedrales, there motto is written: UBER Campa Agna. The sound of this sentence has a phonetic similarity with the full name of Champagne, Hubert Jean-Julien Champagne.
This argument is strengthened by the fact that Champagne is the figure behind the establishment of associations Freres d'Heliopolis. However, there are some things that make people reject this theory, the character of Champagne that does not seem to fit the criteria of a master alchemist. Champagne is a braggart. He also likes to joke, like bersilat tongue and often drunk. So it was natural that she sometimes likes admitted as Fulcanelli. He died in 1932 due to a severe infection. Even his toes off by itself. It is tragic for a true master alchemist.
After the death of Champagne, Eugene Canseliet continue to conduct research in the field of alchemy until his death in 1982. Before his death, he admitted that he failed to solve the secret of the Philosopher's Stone or the Elixir of Life. Thus, the identity of the mysterious Fulcanelli joined buried together with his death.
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