History of Moses and Pharaoh, Mystery Not Solved

                                                                                                                                                                                                    Among historians, the history of Moses and Pharaoh quite confusing where some events did not have enough evidence on the life of the Pharaoh era. Scott Alan Roberts and Dr John Ward looking for evidence of history and historicity of the main characters in the book of Exodus and its relationship with the Pharaoh of Egypt.
Character Moses in the Book of Exodus is a historical puzzle that has spawned an entire branch of Egyptological studies and research for centuries. For thousands of years, this story has been believed in by the three great religions although little historical evidence is found. Did it ever happen? What was the chronology of King Pharaoh prove the existence of Moses almost impossible without a relationship and speculative calculations?
History of Moses and Pharaoh
According to the Bible and the tradition of Rabbi, the history of the kingdom of Egypt Moses grew up as the adopted son of Pharaoh's daughter, Hatshepsut. Moses was born to the Hebrew tribe of Levi, the priestly caste end of Israel. According to the book of Exodus, the tribe of Levi and all the Hebrew slaves is regarded as the Pharaoh of Egypt and 350 years of their original families migrated from Canaan to Egypt (the famine). At the time the Egyptian Pharaoh Thutmose I stated that Hebrew has grown large and in order to lessen the amount they are based on charges of rebellion. Pharaoh sends a command saying that all Hebrew male babies under the age of three years should be killed.
This command is effective immediately but save it until Moses Moses' mother was growing up, it forces the mother put a papyrus basket anti Moses into the water. Musa float down the Nile with no obvious purpose, his mother's brother Musa requested to follow the basket along the riverbank to ensure the safety of Moses were swept away. Baskets and baby floating down the river is shallow and closer to the pool outside the palace of Thebes, where Pharaoh's daughter (Hatshepsut) which at that time still young find and retrieve Moses.
the history of the prophet Moses, Moses discovered Hatshepsut on the Nile
According to the Book of Exodus, Pharaoh's daughter confronted with Miriam who offered to bring a baby to a woman who can take good care. Hatshepsut agreed and sent the baby along with his foster mother Miriam told to Moses mature enough. Moses treated the foster mother for 4 hingg 6 years, Moses delivered to the palace and began his life as the son of Pharaoh for 40 years.
Although there are many theories about the history of Moses and Pharaoh, important events began in the mid 15th century BC during the 5th year of the reign of Amenhotep II. In reference to the Old Testament covers events that are date of establishment of the First Temple of Jerusalem known as the Temple of Solomon (Solomon). Although there are reportedly a major dispute over the presence of Solomon, there is no historical record of disputes shrine attributed to him. The date of the founding of the Temple of Solomon around 966 BC, where the issue of dispute occurred after 3 to 6 years later.
Senenmut, Musa Other Name For Teachers In the Palace Egypt
Moses lived in the palace of Egypt nearly 40 years and is also known as a man named Senenmut. Senenmut Hatshepsut was the daughter of a teacher, Nefrure, as well as an adviser to Queen Hatshepsut's most reliable after the throne on the death of her husband Thutmosis II (and his brother). Teachers in the kingdom is not necessarily scientific and educators, but generally include those performing military field and has special expertise.
According to traditional Jewish story in the Mishnah, Moses is known loud and ambitious education under Pharaoh. Senenmut life Egyptian empire where Hatshpsut friendly and good attitude to it, some historical records refer to their relationship as 'Couple Lovers' despite an age difference of nearly 10 years.
In terms of achievement, Senenmut nearly won 20 titles office is directly given by Queen Hatshepsut, ranging from Chief Architect Vizier to the kingdom. The last title is given to Senenmut 'Mother Brother' that he considered a brother of the Gods Pharaoh.
Moses Disappears Over 40 Years Of History
Around 1486 BC, Egypt Senenmut disappear from the scene. Empty and there is no record of any kind, he just disappeared. If Moses was born in 1526 BC, then he would come back 40 years later fell in 1486 BC. The same year when Musa said to have killed the royal officer and escape from Egypt.
When Moses was 40 years old, he and his royal entourage confront and defeat the Egyptian royal officials. At that time Moses was said to have killed the royal officers, concerned about the unknown pharaoh then he fled from Egypt and moved to Midian. Where he was to be a shepherd and married the daughter of a high priest Pagan. Then the story of Moses is gone and continues after 40 years.
History of Moses and Pharaoh
According to the book earlier, when Moses was in Midian, where he lived as a shepherd for 40 years. Moses had the experience burning bush and returned to Egypt with the aim of liberating the Hebrews from slavery. Moses balked Pharaoh's law, he was locked up and come up with a reason not to leave Egypt.
This raises a deeper question, if Moses was the adopted son of Queen Hatshepsut and being prepared to take the throne, why he killed the officer palace that threatens the life and career as a member of the royal family? Is not easy enough for the Queen to forgive his mistakes and Moses also adopted children dear?
The murder was indeed the case, but why did Moses flee? Moses was very good and have been brought up to replace the throne of his adoptive mother in Egypt. Moses had a voracious political enemies and on the other hand there is also a stepson of Hatshepsut (Thutmoses III). These murders were probably masterminded by an Egyptian official who offered an opportunity for Thutmoses III to immediately remove his rival, where the latter will hate the deeds of Queen Hatshepsut Moses.
When Moses returned to the kingdom of Pharaoh in Egypt and demanded the liberation of the Hebrews, what first refusal? "I can not go back there, Pharaoh wanted to kill me!"
Why after 40 years in hiding, Moses was concerned that Pharaoh still looking for it? Is it just because Moses had killed an officer of the palace, which at that time was still in power adoptive mother?
In the book of Exodus states that there are at least 600,000 people walking Hebrew, including the wives, children, elderly parents, cattle and other livestock. How long it takes to collect about half a million Hebrew slaves with no experience in terms of travel, transporting families, small children and the elderly, to cross the Egyptian and Arab trade routes of ancient?
History of Moses and Pharaoh is the most widely mentioned in the Bible, but the historical evidence is still nowhere to be found and the mystery of his existence in Midian for 40 years continues to be a question mark, like the Ark of the Covenant Sulaiman is still debated. Most historians do not agree that the biblical Moses was the adopted son of Queen Hatshepsut, but the side of archeology is very concerned.
The Exodus Reality: Unearthing the Real History of Moses, Identifying the Pharaohs, and Examining the Exodus from Egypt. By Scott Alan Roberts, John Richard Ward. Publisher: New Page Books (2013).
Baby Moses rescued from the Nile, by Nicolas Poussin (1594-1665). Victory O Lord, by John Everett Millais (1829-1896). Images courtesy of Wikimedia Commons.

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