Mystery Symbolic Tree of Life In A Variety Of Religion And Culture

                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Symbolic tree appears universally in various traditions and religions since ancient periods, including art and architecture, literature and scripture, a symbol that has long been used by the ancient priests to change the human mind to connect with the outside world. The physical properties of large woody plants in part explain the superiority among other symbols. Trees are the largest living things on Earth, also embodies the mystery of the origin of life, growth, and death. Originally evolved from a small seed, grown without obvious food, grow branched when cut, dying in the winter and spring.
From the perspective of scientific evolution, the water is the original context of all earthly life. In the deepest layers of the human memory is water, and the first amino acid blend in while in the thin organic soup. Imagine a tree, its roots are sunk deep in the earth by the spring, infused with the leaf tips with life-giving water, the blood of the gods and the essence of creation.
All spiritual relationships or material intended for mankind, do upwards aligned with the spine upright. Such as trees and rocks, the two models are very clearly illustrates the idea of ​​upward vertically, a reflection of the 'Axis Mundi Divine' very mysterious.
Symbolic Meaning of Trees During the Thousand Year
For thousands of years, a symbolic tree unshaken and has not faded, it has become an architectural model of human and divine architecture model. In building architecture temporal relationship and the cosmos, humans are very dependent on the structural tree. Growing vertically against the earth's gravity, horizontal elements supported by a vertical shaft, creating a protection from sun and rain. The tree is a mediator between the divine and the human sphere is still a micro scale. Through this symbolic, humans see how He created the structure of the infinite, the universe is mysterious. a practical model that describes the mystical universe and become a universal symbol.
Norse Yggdrasil, Shaki Khans
A reflection that suggests that tree as a symbol of universal, which throughout the history of human civilization has seen the tree as a link between the two worlds. Throughout history, the tree is also considered as a place of evil spirits, as a place to communicate the inner and worship, ancient artifacts describing it as a bridge to heaven where the heroes rise to the top, a reflection that clearly describes how the tree is actually symbolic. He explains symbols through revelation so that people can see the deepest layer of meaning around him.
Trees are naturally associated with water, a universal symbol of another very important issue related to the barren land and arable land used some agama.Mitologi And Ancient Manuscript Symbolic tree
How can mythology tells the symbolic tree and is often used in earlier civilizations? Not only in religious texts now, since the first ancestor already very familiar with the meaning of the tree and water as a symbol of spiritual significance in the life.
ibexes tree of life, symbolic trees
In Guyana and Bolivia, narrated that the animals have found a magic tree that can provide food throughout the Earth's surface. Pets are trying to keep the findings of human, but humans eventually find and him to pieces so that the entire surface of the Earth is filled with food crops.
In Paraguay, Mbocobis considered as tree climbing to heaven after death.
Herero of Damaraland in Africa, creating a certain species of tree sacred, so regard the ancestors of humans and animals.
In Phoenicians, their ancestors describe the universe as a scrolling marquee where the center is a large pole or tree.
Scandinavian myth tells of the mountain in the middle of the disc-shaped world impenetrable to reach its peak, large Ash tree called Yggdrasil. Branch refute clouds, sky and stars, the tree's roots are in heaven, other roots reach most sacred fountain in URD.
King Willow, Tibetan mythology tells the roots of a tree in the underworld, its trunk is in the earth's surface and its branches are in heaven.
Japanese mythology tells iron pine tree that invalidates the universe, almost similar to the mythology of the Russian tells iron tree where the root is God's power and its branches maintain the three worlds.
The texts come from the Persian Gulf that appeared around the year 3500 BC, one of the Akkadian text says:
In Eridu, the stem grows shadowing, the shrine to green. Its root is white crystal that extends toward the inside .... The seats are (center of the earth). The leaves are a sofa from Zikum (ancestors) mother. To the heart of the shrine, which spread like a forest shade, no human entry. There is a house mother rulers across the sky.
The tree of life described above is very similar to Islamic literature, and also the legend of the Babylonian hero Gilgamesh seeking magical plants to heal the sick and raise the dead. The story of Gilgamesh mentions:
In the middle he saw the divine and beautiful tree, he leads there and rushed. Its branches glittering, precious stones and shards hanging leaves of lazuli.
Assyrian reliefs depict the history of the king standing next to a tree with a genie who was picking the leaves and gave it to the king, or apply it to other people or weapons. Similarly, in Egypt, Pharaoh is often depicted standing on a tree with magical creatures. Egyptian cosmology generally put the tree in the center of the universe with Bennu (the Sun God) in its branches.
Symbolic Trees In the Jewish and Christian Literature
Ras Shamra in Caanan, describes the relationship tree with fertility. This sacred tree is considered as the 'Altar under green trees', and they prohibit to plant Ashera (chaste tree) on the altar of Yahweh. Although Hebrew condemned the sacred tree, the tree stands in the middle of their haven, and even told that David received word through a rustling in the tree tops when attacking the Philistines.
10 Sephirot, the symbolic tree of life
Etz Chaim, is a term commonly used symbolic tree of life in Judaism. This explanation is found in the Book of Proverbs, figurative language is mentioned in the Torah. Etz Chaim is a common name to refer to the Yeshiva and Synagogue, also used in rabbinic literature. This symbolically depicts a wooden pole in the parchment Torah scrolls. In Proverbs, the symbolic tree of life is associated with wisdom, explained:
(Wisdom) is a tree of life to those who adhere to it, and be happy (everyone) who defend it (Proverbs 3: 13-18). Soothing tongue is a tree of life, but the difficulty in it is a wound to the soul (Proverbs 15: 4)
Christ the True Vine, a symbolic tree
Likewise, Christians consider the tree is important, some priests thought that the tree is a symbolic archetype. In the Book of Genesis, the tree of life was first described in Genesis 2: 9, describes the tree of knowledge of good and evil in the midst of the Garden of Eden. In Genesis 3:24, the Cherubim guard the way to the tree of life which is located at the east end of the park. Symbolic tree of life to date has been the subject of debate, whether the tree of knowledge of good and evil is the same tree?
style="text-align: justify;">Enoch is generally considered non-canonical, also explained that in the judgments of God will give you all the names are written in the Book of Life to be fed fruit of the Tree of Life. The book of Proverbs uses the term tree of life as much as four times, as did the Book of Revelation uses xylon Koine Greek phrase four times. This phrase is identified as the tree of life in Ancient Greek translation of the Old Testament, which literally means 'Wood (who) Life'.
Symbolic Trees In the teachings of Zoroaster
In the ancient tradition of Zoroaster in Persia, tells the miracle tree called Haoma, mentioned:
Honor to Haoma ... prostrate branches that might enjoy it. His soul goes to heaven. At first Ormazd gave it to Haoma, glittering with stars, he had tied on top of the mountain.
Zend Avesta passages explain that Haoma is indeed a divine tree. In Mithraism, the symbolism of the Double Tree deemed to represent the poles of the universe. Two different tree color dome opposite side, one inside was filled while the other leaves off, the sun and moon are in branches. Mithraism myth explains that life originated from the tree, and describe the tree that spoke with the head of the branch, a Persian poem called it a tree Waqwaq.
Symbolic Trees In Hindu and Buddhist Literature
Banyan tree (Akshaya Vata) located on the banks of River Yamuna in Allahabad fort courtyard, near the confluence of the Yamuna and the Ganges in Allahabad. The eternal nature of the divine tree has been described at length in the scriptures.
Krishna in the leaf Akshaya Vata
During the destruction of the cycle of creation, when the whole earth was covered by water, Akshaya Vata remains unaffected. The Tree of Life tells the story of baby Krishna, who was resting on the leaves when the soil / land is no longer visible. Here also Markandeya narrated a vision of God, Buddha meditating forever, and Bodi tree in Gaya is a manifestation of this tree.
Bo tree, also called the Bodhi tree, in the Buddhist tradition is Pipal (Ficus religiosa) where the Buddha attained enlightenment while sitting (Bodhi) in Bodh Gaya (Gaya, Bihar state, west-central India). Pipal grow in Anuradhapura, Ceylon (Sri Lanka), narrated this tree grows from the cutting of trees Bo sent to town by King Ashoka in the 3rd century BC.
According to Tibetan tradition when the Buddha went to Lake Manasarovar along with 500 monks, he took the energy Prayaga Raj. Upon arriving, he left the Raj Prayaga energy near Lake Manasarovar, known as Prayang. Then plant the seed of the eternal banyan tree next to the mountain Kailash is known as the Palace of Buddha.
Bodhi tree, the tree of life
In manuscripts and Buddhist texts, after attaining enlightenment, the Buddha spent seven weeks meditating in seven different places, above the symbolic lotus, near the tree. The Buddha spent the sixth week after his enlightenment at the foot of the Tree meditation Mucalinda.
Trees In Islamic literature
How to explain the tree in Islamic literature? Tree symbol only played a minor role in the Qur'an itself, but in spritualis, art, and architecture of Islam, has become one of the symbols of the most developed. Shajarat al-Tuba, Tree Bliss, does not appear in the name nor his statement in the Qur'an. But there are some trees that are spiritually different explanation, in the hadith and among the famous mystics have described some of the trees are integrated into one consistent symbol.
Do you not see how God has made a good sentence parable like a good tree, its roots are firm and its branches (towering) into the sky, the tree gives its fruit in every season by the permission of their Lord. God made parables for mankind so that they always remember. (Qur'an 14: 24-25)
Sirathal Mustaqim, straight way or no way for an honest man 'mentioned in surah Al-Fatihah, and according to al-Ghazali is an expression that mebgisyaratkan to the top, which is also expressed in confidence. Where there is no relationship between the two worlds, there is no inter-connection of both physical altogether. Divine grace has been given a chance in the real world to be able to connect with the natural world Heavenly. There is no single thing in this world makes sense that something declare their symbols Which One there.
In the Qur'an, the tree is a tree of woe such demonic, which Zaqqum in hell. Lote tree was on the outer limits, Sidratul Muntaha. Then mentioned also the tree of knowledge relating to 'science', a forbidden tree in the garden of paradise. And the last tree is often associated with QS verse 24:35 that says the lamp or light, ... which is lit with oil from a blessed tree, (ie) olive tree, neither of the east nor of the west.
Similarly, the tree of life in the literature of Islamic art and culture, literature general lifting of the Middle East. In the Qur'an there is one forbidden tree in the garden of paradise, Satan called it the Tree of Eternity. In the hadith literature, the Tree of Eternity is not forbidden tree, is likened to a tree on the other end Bidara Sidratul limit Muntaha, another term later evolved into the Tree Bliss.
The Tree of Life, Cosmology Ibn 'Arabi
Knowledge tree (the tree of science) are not mentioned by name in the Qur'an or Hadith. Mystically, and philosophical literature has been talking about the Tree of Knowledge and the Tree of Eternity, as Rumi who tend to equate both the tree and set it as the characteristics of the World Tree. In the book 'Book of Certainty' by Abu Bakr Siraj ad-Din, said:
In the middle of paradise not only are the fountains, but also trees, at the foot of the fountain flows. It is the Tree of Eternity, and was described as a tree that grows in the Garden Inner Heart ... Once the visitor / immigrant drunk fountains and eating the fruit of the tree, they gain wisdom Mata Hati, direct contact with the Spirit, ...
The most complex developments on the tree Bliss in Qurrat al-'uyun. Abu al-Laith as-Samarqandi is one Mi'raj hadith is clear, and this tree model been disclosed by Ibn 'Arabi of Heaven in al-Futihat al-Makkiya, mentioned:
The Prophet said, "In heaven there are trees Bliss whose roots were in place I live and branches protect all the houses of heaven. No home or a place to stay that does not have one of the branches. Each branch thereof are fruit species existing in the world. And every flower in the world in that branch, but more abundant and more excellent than the fruit that ever existed in the world, and more even than the flowers. and Trees Bliss fruit wines, each branch longer than one month trip, and every fruit great wine like water swollen skin .... Each has its own branch which is blessed with a name written on it ".
Cosmology Ibn 'Arabi precisely describes the entire universe as a series of concentric spheres, starting from Earth, water ball, air, ether, moon, Mercury, Venus, Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and the star. Outside the restricted star is heaven, above it is the Throne of God. There are only seven concentric layers, blessed home related to the Prophet, encompasses all the others. Each layer has incalculable value that contains each individual house countless.
The Tree of Life, Tree of Bliss in the image of Ibn 'Arabi reversed where the roots are the seat of God, the stem includes all seven of heaven, and its branches in writing permeates every individual berbagia home. An intelligent man would look up to see the tree, but a wise man will see a tree with a basic pattern reversed as if he was in the center of the universe.
The Book of Certainty: The Sufi Doctrine of Faith, Vision and Gnosis. By Abu Bakr Siraj ad-Din, Martin Lings, Reissue 1996
The Book of Certainty, By Abu Bakr Siraj ad-Din
Symbol & archetype: A Study of the Meaning of Existence. By Martin Lings, 3th Ed 2006
10 Sephirot, Christ the True Vine, confronted animals ibexes a Tree of Life, An 1847 depiction of the Norse Yggdrasil as described in the Icelandic Prose Edda, 7th-century depiction of the Tree of Life in the Palace of Shaki Khans, Mucalinda Lake (Pond ) in Bodh Gaya. Image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons

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