Found, 'Instructions Doomsday' of Tomb of Queen of Ancient Egypt

                                                                                                                                                                                                    Cairo - In the past, 4,500 years ago, Khentakawess III is a queen in the Old Kingdom period (Old Kingdom) to Egypt.
Its importance in the history of the unconscious, until archaeologists discovered his tomb in Abu-Sir, southwest of Cairo --Just 198 meters away from the pyramid of her husband, Pharaoh Neferefre.
Czech archaeologists know the identity of the queen of some graffiti written on the walls of his tomb - that provides clues about the name and status keningratannya.
The location of his tomb also signaled about her status as the wife of the ruler. Previously, experts had no idea who the Pharaoh Neferefre companion.
During the Fifth Dynasty, the queen to witness the construction of the pyramids, some of which were built near the site of his grave later. One was intended for her husband.
However, not only obtained the archaeologists. His tomb provide clues terrible: about the destruction of his world leading to the 'little apocalypse' caused climate change. Which destroy civilization at that
Khentkaus tomb III tells the story of how our civilization could be destroyed, just ash and dust, as happened during the queen.
One of the archaeologists who examined the tomb of the queen, Professor Miroslav Barta explained, a number of things happen during the period of the Old Kingdom.
At that time, democracy was on the rise, nepotism is rampant, and have dire consequences. Interest groups play a major role in society. However, climate change is making the kingdom at that time - as well as in the Middle East and Western Europe - to its knees.
200 years after the death Khentkaus III, the Nile is no longer flooding along its banks, no more fertile mud that rose to the surface. Long drought made the kingdoms entered a period of twilight.
"Without a surge flooding of the Nile, the lack of harvest, of course adversely affect the collection of taxes. And in the absence of taxes, there are no funds to finance officers, uphold the ideology and unite the kingdom," he said, as quoted from the site Inquisitr, Tuesday ( 02.02.2016). Makers pyramid civilization was destroyed.
The fate of the Old Kingdom could be repeated in modern times. How is climate change affecting the Nile in the era of Queen Khentkaus can also make life at this time toward destruction.
Barta added, the same as the past, human life is now also facing internal and external challenges.
"By studying the past, we can learn a lot of things for the present. We are no different from those in the past, many people think, is not it his day is different." But, in truth not so, "said Barta, as quoted by CNN ,
He added, though destruction is a necessity, but humans can do something to deal with.
Berta hope tomb Khentkaus III provide valuable lessons and help modern man to avoid the apocalypse.
Meanwhile, researchers continue to examine their findings, to determine the age of the queen, why he died.
Experts also try to reconstruct the face of the Queen of Egypt, but it is impossible. Skull and skeleton were destroyed. Allegedly, it induced the tomb robbers.

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