Langley - The CIA made a surprise about UFOs. Hose 3 days prior to the re-emergence of the series 'The X-Files', the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) upload two incredible things through their site.
Quoted by the Huffington Post, Monday (01/02/2016), article entitled "Take A Peek Into Our 'X-Files'' written on the page News & Information. It refers to the explanation of hundreds of secret documents that have been disclosed in 1978, with details about the agency penyidikian Unidentified Flying Objects (UFO's). File comes mostly from the late 1940s and 1950s. "
By riding on his reappearance Special Agents Mulder and Scully to the screen, the CIA used the story fictional FBI for the good of society, especially the UFO community who are often accused the government of conspiring to cover up the truth.
"To help divert some data collection UFO under FOIA (Freedom of Information Act), we decided to lay out a number of documents of interest to those who are skeptical and believe in UFOs ... you will find five documents that we think will be performed by the character of Agent Mulder in 'X -Files' to convince people about the existence of extraterrestrial aliens. We have also provided five documents that may be used by colleagues who are skeptical, Agent Dana Scully, to provide a scientific explanation of UFO sightings. "
The reader can browse the documents ranging from reports of flying saucers, official memos, until the advisory panel report of 1950.
As if not satisfied, the CIA end the page with the challenge, "you want to believe? Let's find out how to conduct an investigation of a flying saucer. "
Quintilla say that this is the most well-documented event. CIA Zamora added that the incident is still unresolved.
Opening the document does not mention the most remarkable part about the apparition. According to preliminary reports, "two figures dressed in white" appeared near the strange flying objects and then disappeared, suspected foreign body enters it before
broadcasting. "
Besides the Socorro report, the CIA also provide input '10 Tips for Conducting Investigation Flying Saucer:
- Create a group to investigate and evaluate sightings
- Determine the target of investigation
- Negotiate with the experts
- Create a reporting system to prepare future cases
- Evaluation of sightings that are not real
- Develop a methodology to identify unusual aircraft and other celestial symptoms are often mistaken for UFO
- Check the documentation of witnesses
- Perform a controlled experiment
- Test of physical and forensic evidence.
- Check the fake reporter.
For instructions number 5, the CIA mentioned 1998 report that describes "a number of explanations of UFO sightings ... including aircraft incorrect guess (flying the U-2, A-12, and SR-71 are in more than half the reports of UFO sightings of 1950 and almost a whole in 1960).
Data questioned CIA
The truth is out there.
Illustration gate CIA office in Langley City, the state of Virginia. (Source USA Today)
From a number of sightings, the CIA mentioned a number of aircraft. However, researchers have questioned the accuracy of the UFO special report conducted in 1998 which mentions the U-2 as a UFO.
A retired physicist optic US Navy at the same time UFO researcher named Bruce Maccabee is one that questioned the U-2 as the sightings.
"The recognition they assert that after the U-2 did the flight, more than 50% of UFO sightings are merely aircraft U-2 that is flying high. However, if you see the original data, the number of sightings every month, for 3 years and thereafter, did not show increase because the test flight the U-2. "
"Surprisingly, according to official reports stastik Condon declared government property 430 UFO sightings in the 10 months before U-2 started flying, and 430 for 10 months thereafter. This surprised me and a number of others. Answer that 50% of sightings are reported after the U-2 started flying. "
The former physicist January Maccabees questioned CIA-mentioned data associated with UFO sightings. (Source Huffington Post)
Condon report is meant to refer to the UFO Maccabee Project at the University of Colorado and funded by the US Air Force in the late 1960s to evaluate UFO.
Director of research it was physicist Edward Condon, and he concludes that there is something interesting scientifically to proceed further examination of the UFO.
During the four decades of his career in the Navy, Maccabbe duty at the control system as part of the Strategic Defense Initiative missile systems and Ballistic Missile Defense which uses high-powered laser beam.
"My job in the Navy has nothing to do with UFOs. I am not his CIA or FBI and all my analysis of UFO cases is done using my personal time. All I have done related to the investigation, analysis, and a history of UFO research is not a secret, "said Maccabee.
He insisted that none of his superiors in the Navy who ever tried to hinder research. "They say no matter what I do with my spare time, provided that do not involve laboratory Navy."
Since then, Maccabee rely on its ability to optical data processing when asked to perform a visual component analysis in cases of UFO.
"I think there are a number of things that I have done that could have been done to others, because the type of knowledge required. In addition to the ability to interview people listen to what they say and do the deduction thereof-I have to be a history buff once a physicist.
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