Niamh Geaney, 26, a student and a newscaster in Dublin, Ireland, was intrigued by the myth that everyone has 7 twin who around the world. Recently met a woman in his home country very much like him, Irene Adams, 26 years old. Do not believe the resemblance of their identical, the two young women have finally decided to undergo a DNA test.
Niamh has been pretty well known to many people in the world after he and two
friends set up a website Twin Strangers to help them and others who want to find people who are similar to them (doppelganger) worldwide. In 2015, Niamh has managed to find two women who are very much like him that Karen Branigan Irish and Italian Luisa Guizzardi.
But women who have recently found, Irene, makes him doubt what he and Irene really did not have family ties. Irene is very similar to her doppelganger when compared with the two previous doppelganger. Not only resemblance to the face, eyes, hair, skin and posture, they even had similar characteristics and behavior.
As reported Dailymail, January 21, 2016, to prove that they were not born of the same father and mother, or one of the same parents, they decided to do a DNA test. They undergo DNA tests are quite complicated, not only to determine whether they were brothers, but also to find other possibilities.
The first test will be to see if they are siblings, with a probability of 0.0006 percent and possibly 150,000 / 1, but the results they are not brothers. The next test is to assess whether they are half brothers, the probability is 1.1 percent and the possibility of 93/1, this test also showed that they are also not half brother.
The last test is very interesting from a series of DNA tests are tests offspring. This test will assess whether their ancestors has been linked in the past 20,000 years. But again, these tests show results that they have absolutely no relevance ancestors. Strange but this is really happening.
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