Some people in this world believe that everyone has a twin who is very similar though not brothers, do not know each other and had never met before. The term is known as the popularity of this doppelganger discussed in the world, after a number of people managed to meet with people who turned out to have the same facial and physical. Actually what is it and how doppelganger doppelganger could happen?
Doppelganger comes from the German word meaning "Double Walker 'or second offenders. The term originally referred to the shadow that accompanies every human being on this earth. Doppelganger is a term for a creature that has similarities with us. The myth says if someone meets with
'kembaran'nya, it is a sign there will be bad luck or death that befell them.
But with the progress of time, doppelganger known as someone who is very similar to others, even though they are not related at all and live in a different hemisphere.
Twin Strangers through a website founded by a group of students from Ireland, so many people have found the 'twinning' of their own. In fact, one of the founders Twin Strangers, Niamh Geaney, have found three of his doppelganger.
Then how is it possible there are others that are very similar to us with no blood relation at all? in science, theories are most likely to respond to this phenomenon is the similarity of gene instructions. Human genes is almost similar to each other, which is a key differentiator is the instruction given by the gene to create contours of the face and body.
Although there are many possibilities, we also must not forget that the world's human population itself has exceeded 7 billion and certainly among them there will be seven or nine people who are similar to us. To prove that every human being has at least 7 doppelganger, Niamh, who have found 3 doppelgangernya, saying that he was not going to stop looking for her doppelganger else until he managed to find his doppelganger 7.
"Since I found the 3 doppelganger, I think that it is possible for me to find up to 7 people doppelganger if I am committed to continue to search. This will be the most amazing thing, at once creepy, weird, crazy, if I managed to find 7 doppelganger "said Niamh, as reported Dailymail, January 21, 2016.
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