UFO sightings in Canada, Hoax or true ?

The appearance of a strange flying object (UFO) have been reported in Ontario, Canada recently. The recording is uploaded via video-sharing sites.
The only known eyewitness berakun V-For-Victor (V4V), claim to have seen a UFO sighting through her bedroom window, "three flying objects lit floats on the respective sides in strange formations," he wrote.
Seeing the incident, V4V record the object after flashing, then disappear and reappear in the same position. The recording lasted 13 seconds showing the UFO activity.
The incident is currently under investigation MUFON (Mutual UFO Network), an international organization that conducts research on UFOs. They were tasked to investigate and try to find an answer to the puzzle of UFO.
Quoted, Huffington Post, MUFON members do not have relations with academic organizations, and their members do not need a science degree or license to become investigators.
"The first problem is, we do not know the identity of witnesses." he said.
MUFON says, "an eyewitness generally reluctant to provide an identity, because they do not want to receive negative reaction to the claim."
"We understand. No one is to be regarded as a madman. But still, we do not know the credibility, mental condition and health of the person when the incident happened. It could have been
considered a joke."
In this case, HuffPost attempted to contact V4V, but have received no response.
However, in her upload he said, "I do not know how far these objects," said V4V.
"They look very big. I did not hear any sounds of aircraft or engine. The color was yellow or orange UFO, such as turn signal car."
Kapa unknown incident occurred, but the description of the video also does not provide strong evidence, and did not disclose other witnesses.
At the beginning of the incident report V4V said, "the incident was recorded with the iPad Air 2 on 19 February 2016."
However, in the comments section someone claims, "the incident occurred on 21 February 2016 at about 17:50, I saw 3 UFO floats out."
Is this incident occurred on 19 or 21 February?
A number of comments in support of the claim that uploads given by V4V, while others give a more logical explanation, like the reflection of the window.
HuffPost, later showed the footage to Marc Dantonio, a photo expert and FX models that use sophisticated software to perform analysis.
"Video is fascinating," Dantonio said in an email to HuffPost.
"However, I noticed something odd when it disappeared in the 'space'. I said 'space' with quotes because I think, the object is not in the sky. At one point in the tape, I feel like I'm looking at the reflection of glass windows, and the disappearance UFO as prevented by something in the room. "
"Light on the right disappears from top to bottom. As someone slipped a paper or cardboard on the lights. According to my opinion, the tape shows the reflection of a window with blackout is done manually, one by one."
The theory does not justify what is done by V4V, but just wanted to give a different perspective.

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