5 Mysterious creature stranded on beach

                                                                                                                                                                                                    Sea holds many mysteries. Quite often mysterious things swept up onto the shore. One is forms of strange creatures and ... creepy form.

Typically, discovered jellyfish tangled or carcasses of animals that have eaten some of it. However, some creatures have more unusual sightings and need further investigation and often makes a scene and became headlines.

The findings of the strange creature called 'globster'. Is a technical term of foreign veterinary experts, which is defined as 'an organic mass that swept parts of the ocean or other water sources'.The term was coined by Ivan T. Sanderson in 1962, to describe the carcasses of marine animals found in the sea of Tasmania in 1960, which it said "has no eyes, head, bone structure of tangible and clear".

News.com.au quoted, these 5 strange creatures ever stranded on beaches all over the world (and only a few have the explanation).                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      monster Sakhalin

Monster Sakhalin. (photo: News.com.au)
These creatures are found on Sakhalin Island, Russia, in 2006 by a group of soldiers stationed in the nearby area.

Island, located in the North Pacific Ocean in the bay of the North West of Russia and Japan, into opposition territory of the two countries. This is what makes the army.

According to reports, the official members move carcasses unknown creature from the beach after the news of his discovery spread. However, the visitors had already took some photographs.

trunko                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Trunko is the nickname for the white creature who swept beach Margate, South Africa in 1924.

The story appeared in the local newspaper with a wide range of titles that make curious, like, "Fish Shaped Like Polar Bears" .According to the report, at first eyewitness reported seeing the strange creatures fight with two killer whales.

Trunko rotting in a sea of 10 days before being swept back by the waves. Strangely, at that time, no scientists who study it. Evidence of its existence is considered lost, until in 2010 appeared again trunko photos on the internet.

Sea Monster Folly                                                                                                                          
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 This creature appears only pieces of his body. Its beauty is in its shape very similar to the tail of a stegosaurus.
Appearance on Folly Beach South Carolina in 2012 shocked the population. Speculation about its origins are discussed for days.
South Carolina Aquarium finally recognize this creature as the Atlantic sturgeon fish, which has existed since the era of primitive and swim in the oceans for over 100 million years.
Sturgeons can grow up to five meters in length, and the species that have ever been arrested, weighs in at over 360 kg.
Globster Six Kilometers                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Monster 'is so named not because of actual size, but the size of the Tasmanian coast where the creature was found in 1997.

The creature measuring 4.6 meters in length and weighs 3,600 kg. In the body there is a fin, gray hairs, and six fleshy lobe on each side of his body.

In 1960, had also discovered the animal carcasses in Tasmania, and the word 'globster' was first used by veterinary experts Ivan T Sanderson.

Monster Canvey Island                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                A creature with a form that makes me shudder was found off the coast of Canvey Island, United Kingdom in November 1953. The wreck of a second, more complete, discovered in August 1954.

The species were found in 1953 with a length of 76 cm thick reddish brown skin, eyes protruding, and the gills. This creature is also described as having hind legs with five fingers, tread-like a horseshoe, with two fingers, indicating these creatures walked on two legs, but found no front legs.

Carcass was cremated after a cursory inspection of veterinary experts who found that these creatures did not bring danger to the public.

Meanwhile, discovered in 1954 its larger size, 120 cm and weighs 11.3 kg. The creature has not rot, so that samples could be taken from the eyes, nose, and teeth. However, there is no further explanation about what happened to the carcass.

Some speculate that this animal kind of anglerfish, which fins mistaken as an accomplice. Others say this animal could be frogfish, who walked with a fin that resemble the legs, eyes bulging, and have varied colors.

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